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Extended hybrid pressure and velocity boundary conditions for D3Q27 lattice Boltzm.. Cheng Huihong 50
Geodynamic background of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake based on 3D visco-elastic nu.. Liu Chang 48
First-principles study of high-pressure stability, structure, and elasticity of Fe.. Liu Shanqi 48
Application of hypersingular integral equation method to three-dimensional crack i.. Zhu BJ(朱伯靖) 46
Crustal rheology control on earthquake activity across the eastern margin of the T.. Liu Chang 44
Lithospheric rheology and Moho upheaval control the generation mechanism of the in.. Liu Chang 28
High-resolution Solar Image Reconstruction Based on Non-rigid Alignment Liu H(刘辉) 27
The progresses of Chinese Giant Solar Telescope Liu Z(刘忠) 21
高分辨统计重建技术的频谱分析与应用 金振宇 21
Lijiang 2.4-meter Telescope and its instruments Wang CJ(王传军) 21
两米环形太阳望远镜的副镜姿态校正 王昆延 21
Ia型超新星多样性的观测研究 张居甲 18
Flaring and Spot Activities on the Semi-detached Binary System KIC 06852488 Shi XD(施相东) 18
Research progress based on observations of the New Vacuum Solar Telescope Yan XL(闫晓理) 17
Fundamental parameters for 30 faint open clusters with Gaia EDR3 based on the more.. Ding X(丁旭) 17
环形拼接太阳望远镜主动控制的实验研究 王斌 17
NVST光谱数据预处理系统 王瑞 16
利用倾斜镜技术实现2.4m望远镜的高精度跟踪Ⅰ:原理样机设计及测试 丁永超 16
中国巨型太阳望远镜 刘忠 16
Active maintenance of a segmented mirror based on edge and tip sensing Wang B(王斌) 16
利用变形镜抑制光纤模态噪声 王嘉琦 16
中国巨型太阳望远镜主动对准建模分析 付玉 16
Ia型超新星前身星模型及其相关天体研究 王博 15
From NVST to CGST Liu Z(刘忠) 15
Submicron volume roughness & asperity contact friction model for principle slip su.. Zhu BJ(朱伯靖) 15
The Coude Echelle Spectrograph for the Lijiang 1.8m telescope Wang XL(王晓丽) 15
AstroCloud, a Cyber-Infrastructure for Astronomy Research: Cloud Computing Environ.. Li, CH 14
LAMOST特殊盾牌座δ型脉动变星的观测与研究 施相东 14
基于点扩散函数的拼接镜边缘传感器定标实验研究 王斌 14
New vacuum solar telescope and observations with high resolution Liu Z(刘忠) 13
一米新真空太阳望远镜研制及其在太阳观测中的应用 刘忠 13
K型密近双星的观测与研究 刘念平 13
一种天文光谱仪自动曝光系统及其控制方法及其控制方法 余晓光 13
一种自动光谱观测系统及其控制方法 和寿圣 13
太阳局部高分辨观测像的日球坐标自动标定 季凯帆 13
太阳望远镜的倒锥导流式热光阑研制 张雨辰 13
Extremely Low Mass-ratio Semi-detached Binaries: KIC 2719436 and KIC 4245897 Zhang J(张嘉) 13
HL Dra: an active Algol-like binary system with a pulsating component star and a c.. Shi XD(施相东) 13
基于微信的远程天文台控制软件设计 和寿圣 13
Algol型食双星的时域观测研究 王志华 13
Fast Derivation of Contact Binary Parameters for Large Photometric Surveys Ding X(丁旭) 13
基于里奥滤光器的太阳窄带观测系统全视场频率漂移高精度测量方法(特邀) 王希群 13
Extraction and Analysis of Coronal High-temperature Components Based on Outlier De.. Sun LY(孙莉焰) 13
Research on piston error sensing for segmented mirrors under atmospheric turbulenc.. Wang B(王斌) 13
Distributed Data-Processing Pipeline for Mingantu Ultrawide Spectral Radioheliogra.. Wang F(王锋) 12
Simulation of Chinese Giant Solar Telescope Liu Z(刘忠) 12
1-meter near-infrared solar telescope Liu Z(刘忠) 12
小行星三轴椭球体形状以及自转参数测定——小行星(1028)Lydina观测研究 王夷博 12
高分辨率太阳图像重建方法 向永源 12
一种基于杨氏双缝干涉理论检测望远镜成像质量的方法 常亮 12
Method of composing two-dimensional scanned spectra observed by the New Vacuum Sol.. Cai YF(蔡云芳) 12
丽江2.4米望远镜观测日志辅助系统的设计与研发 王传军 12
机器学习在太阳物理中的应用 刘辉 12
基于ASCOM标准的天文电动调焦器设计 和寿圣 12
基于系列斑点图像的视宁度估算精度方法研究 胡钢 12
利用载人航天工程巡天望远镜搜寻吸积白矮星的可行性 谢薇 12
大麦哲伦星云中早型相接双星的分析与研究 马文武 12
Introduction to the Chinese Giant Solar Telescope Liu Z(刘忠) 11
一米红外太阳望远镜控制系统研制 柳光乾 11
差分像运动大气视宁度监测仪的自动化研究 辛玉新 11
太阳小尺度结构的观测特征及物理机制的研究 邓林华 11
中型望远镜观测系统集成 范玉峰 11
大质量白矮星双星的观测研究 时光 11
空间碎片探测新方法研究 李语强 11
类太阳G型密近双星的观测与研究 王晶晶 11
基于ASCOM和Modbus/TCP协议的天文圆顶控制系统 和寿圣 11
双致密星引力波源的形成 陈雪飞 11
慢脉动B型星KIC 8324482的星震学研究 邓真敏 11
中红外大气背景辐射测量系统及误差分析 陈双远 11
光纤式IFU检测系统自动化功能的设计 王亮喆 11
Mapping Solar X-Ray Images from SDO/AIA EUV Images by Deep Learning Hong JC(洪俊超) 11
The Co-alignment of Winged H alpha Data Observed by the New Vacuum Solar Telescope.. Cai YF(蔡云芳) 11
基于像差探测的太阳望远镜副镜姿态校正方法 王昆延 11
含有极低质量白矮星的双简并星的形成及引力波辐射 李振威 11
大型太阳望远镜偏振测量系统的定标方法研究 彭建国 11
8 m中国巨型太阳望远镜偏振光学设计 付玉 11
太阳偏振图像高分辨重建误差仿真分析 吕卓 11
窄带可调谐滤光器在太阳磁场测量中的应用 王远方舟 11
Photometric analysis on RZ Horologii: An evolved and active Algol with a delta Scu.. Zhang HT(张慧亭) 11
恒星绝热物质损失模型 葛宏伟 10
抚仙湖一米新真空太阳望远镜6米近红外光谱仪装调及太阳1.56微米光谱的初步观测结果 许方宇 10
Adaptive optics for the 8-meter Chinese Giant Solar Telescope Beckers, Jacques M. 10
Active Control of the Chinese Giant Solar Telescope Dai YC(戴懿纯) 10
On the escape and propagation of high-energy protons near young supernova remnants Yang CY(杨初源) 10
近相接型密近双星的观测研究 朱俐颖 10
过相接型密近双星W次型与A次型现象的分析研究 何家佳 10
近相接型密近双星的观测与统计研究 朱俐颖 10
密近双星伴星天体的研究 廖文萍 10
盾牌座δ型脉动变星的周期分析及伴星研究 王树民 10
对凌食系外行星系统WASP-32的测光观测与研究 孙磊磊 10
基于激光测距的人造卫星精密定轨究 李荣旺 10
基于G-APD阵列的卫星激光测距系统探测性能分析 翟东升 10
Science cases in the integrated modeling of Chinese Giant Solar Telescope Liu Z(刘忠) 10
Precise Reduction of Solar Spectra Observed by the One-Meter New Vacuum Solar Tele.. Cai YF(蔡云芳) 10
拼接镜面主动控制系统的定标 王斌 10
2015年11月4日太阳射电爆发干扰导航信号事件中的X射线先兆分析 董亮 10
A Single-lined Spectroscopic Binary Companion to an Active and Deep Contact Binary.. Liao WP(廖文萍) 10
New Pulsating Stars Detected in EA-type Eclipsing-binary Systems Based on TESS Dat.. Shi XD(施相东) 10
地平式太阳望远镜库德焦面指向跟踪误差建模研究 刘荣辉 10
太阳高分辨高速重建算法的研究 向永源 10
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文章名称 第一作者 下载量
红巨星的星震学研究 张昕旖 2
基于点扩散函数的拼接镜边缘传感器定标实验研究 王斌 2
An Efficient Method for Batch Derivation of Detached Eclipsing Binary Parameters: .. 王锦良 2
A Novel Ephemeris Model for Martian Moons Incorporating Their Free Rotation 杨永章 2
火卫二动力学模型与精密定轨研究 黄凯 2
Photometric analysis of 40 low mass-ratio contact binary systems in the Catalina S.. 王锦良 2
激变双星中吸积盘物理特性的分析研究 刘伟 2
Detection of ubiquitous circumbinary matter in hot subdwarfs formed from common-en.. 李江丹 2
基于激光测距的人造卫星精密定轨究 李荣旺 1
空间碎片探测新方法研究 李语强 1
Accreting He-rich material onto carbon-oxygen white dwarfs until explosive carbon .. Wu CY(吴程远) 1
The double-degenerate model for the progenitors of Type Ia supernovae Liu DD(刘栋栋) 1
Accreting CO material onto ONe white dwarfs towards accretion-induced collapse Wu CY(吴程远) 1
不同海拔地区红外大气透过率的计算和测量 王飞翔 1
太阳望远镜的倒锥导流式热光阑研制 张雨辰 1
Atmosphere Escape Inferred from Modeling the H alpha Transmission Spectrum of WASP.. Yan DD(闫冬冬) 1
基于捷变收发器的射电天文谱线频率定标设计 李明悦 1
基于数值历表的月球物理天平动研究 黄凯 1
Can Small-scale Magnetic Fields Be the Major Cause for the Near-surface Effect of .. Li Y(李焱) 1
Lithium Evolution of Giant Stars Observed by LAMOST and Kepler Zhang, Jinghua 1
基于超材料角反射面的高增益高效率双圆极化Fabry-Perot天线设计 赵振宇 1
中国巨型太阳望远镜主动对准建模分析 付玉 1
太阳暗条的形成与爆发 王金成 1
慢脉动B型星的星震学研究 邓真敏 1
环形拼接太阳望远镜主镜控制系统研究 郭泰 1
Ia型超新星前身星研究与中等质量脉冲双星的形成 刘栋栋 1
Evolution of an Emerging Anti-Hale Region and its Associated Eruptive Solar Flares.. Xu Z(徐喆) 1
月球激光测距观测模型的研究与应用 黄凯 1
倒“V”型栅板偶极子天线设计 王卫东 1
环形拼接太阳望远镜主动控制的实验研究 王斌 1
Study on Electromagnetic Shielding Indexes of Large Aperture Radio Telescope Yang FH(杨凤辉) 1
Evolving ONe WD plus He WD systems to ultra-compact X-ray binaries Liu DD(刘栋栋) 1
激光测距中激光功率实时监测系统设计与实现 吴凡 1
Geomagnetic activity affects animal myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury: an exp.. Chang, Weiyu 1
Nine New Cataclysmic Variable Stars with Negative Superhumps 孙起斌 1
Identify main-sequence binaries from the Chinese Space Station Telescope Survey wi.. 李佳佳 1
快速可调谐Lyot滤光器研制及其在一米新真空太阳望远镜上观测 王希群 1
叠加原理的射电阵列抗干扰方法研究 谢欢欢 1
Long-term double synchronization in close-in gas giant planets 郭帅帅 1
黑洞X射线双星中X射线反射成分的研究进展 靳沛 1
Dynamical Model of Rotation and Orbital Coupling for Deimos 黄凯 1
Multiwavelength Observations for a Double-decker Filament Channel in AR 13102 Zhang, Yin 1
Three Types of Solar Coronal Rain during Magnetic Reconnection between Open and Cl.. Qiao, Fangfang 1
Fundamental Parameters of a Binary System Consisting of a Red Dwarf and a Compact .. 丁旭 1
Ultraluminous X-ray sources with He star companions 李陆翰 1
CME Velocity Field Calculation Model Based on an Unsupervised Transformer Optical .. Chen, Qingyang 1
Calibration and Performance of the Full-Disk Vector MagnetoGraph (FMG) on Board th.. Bai, Xianyong 1
Evolutionary States and Triplicity of Four Massive Semidetached Binaries with Long.. 李福兴 1
NNHMC: An Efficient Stokes Inversion Method Using a Neural Network (NN) Model Comb.. 徐冲 1
The Alignment of High-resolution Solar Prominence Images Observed by the New Vacuu.. 蔡云芳 1
Review of the development of Lunar Laser Ranging 黄凯 1
Exploring the convective core of the high-amplitude δ Scuti star TIC 120857354 wi.. 陈兴浩 1
Investigation of Individual Pulse Emission Behaviors from Pulsar J1741–0840 徐永华 1
The Occurrence of Powerful Flares Stronger than X10 Class in Solar Cycles Tan, Baolin 1
Science objectives of the Einstein Probe mission Yuan, Weimin 1
A transformer-based forecasting model for F 10.7 index and its application study o.. Ye, Hongwei 1
Improving Image Quality of the Solar Disk Imager (SDI) of the Lyα Solar Telescope.. 刘辉 1
High-resolution Observations of an X-1.0 White-light Flare with Moving Flare Ribbo.. Yang, Xu 1
A high-velocity star recently ejected by an intermediate-mass black hole in M15 Huang, Yang 1
全部 所外 国外
文章名称 第一作者 下载量
A Novel Ephemeris Model for Martian Moons Incorporating Their Free Rotation 杨永章 2
激变双星中吸积盘物理特性的分析研究 刘伟 2
Detection of ubiquitous circumbinary matter in hot subdwarfs formed from common-en.. 李江丹 2
Atmosphere Escape Inferred from Modeling the H alpha Transmission Spectrum of WASP.. Yan DD(闫冬冬) 1
基于数值历表的月球物理天平动研究 黄凯 1
Lithium Evolution of Giant Stars Observed by LAMOST and Kepler Zhang, Jinghua 1
太阳暗条的形成与爆发 王金成 1
慢脉动B型星的星震学研究 邓真敏 1
红巨星的星震学研究 张昕旖 1
Evolution of an Emerging Anti-Hale Region and its Associated Eruptive Solar Flares.. Xu Z(徐喆) 1
月球激光测距观测模型的研究与应用 黄凯 1
激光测距中激光功率实时监测系统设计与实现 吴凡 1
Nine New Cataclysmic Variable Stars with Negative Superhumps 孙起斌 1
叠加原理的射电阵列抗干扰方法研究 谢欢欢 1
Dynamical Model of Rotation and Orbital Coupling for Deimos 黄凯 1
Ultraluminous X-ray sources with He star companions 李陆翰 1
Review of the development of Lunar Laser Ranging 黄凯 1
火卫二动力学模型与精密定轨研究 黄凯 1
Science objectives of the Einstein Probe mission Yuan, Weimin 1
A transformer-based forecasting model for F 10.7 index and its application study o.. Ye, Hongwei 1
Improving Image Quality of the Solar Disk Imager (SDI) of the Lyα Solar Telescope.. 刘辉 1
A high-velocity star recently ejected by an intermediate-mass black hole in M15 Huang, Yang 1