YNAO OpenIR  > 双星与变星研究组
其他题名Analysis and Study of Heartbeat Stars Based on Kepler Space Survey Data
关键词双星 椭圆轨道 恒星振动 脉动变星
摘要心跳星 (HBSs: Heartbeat stars) 是椭圆轨道双星中高偏心率的分离双星系统。当两子星运行至近星点附近时,它们之间因距离较近而产生的强烈潮汐相互作用,导致其形状发生椭球形变,并引发强反照效应和多普勒光度变化等效应。在这些效应共同作用下,系统的光度突然发生变化,光变曲线呈现出与心电图上的一次“心跳”颇为相似的形状。这类天体也因其光变曲线中出现的心跳特征而得名。心跳星是研究偏心轨道双星形成和演化以及探讨子星在强潮汐作用下内部结构变化的理想实验室;同时也是探究潮汐激发震荡 (TEOs) 特性和寻找特殊天体等的重要场所。因此它们具有重要的科学意义和价值。虽然理论上早就预言了心跳星的存在,但是由于光变幅度小和持续时间短等原因,用地面望远镜一直没有发现心跳星。直到开普勒空间望远镜海量高精度连续不间断测光数据公布后,其光变曲线中这种微小的光度变化才被人们所发现。这也使得心跳星成为恒星物理领域中重要的新兴研究方向,相关系统分析与研究有待进一步开展。本文以开普勒望远镜测光数据为基础,结合我国 LAMOST 光谱巡天数据,以及欧洲 Gaia 卫星的视差、视星等和恒星大气参数等资料,对 100 多个心跳星双星系统进行详细分析与研究。在研究过程中,整合了一套行之有效的方法用于拟合各类心跳星 (无论是否包含掩食) 的光变曲线;还开发了傅里叶频谱分析程序以支持对大批量数据进行自动分析,解析其中的 TEOs 及其相位与模式,并提取傅里叶频谱中的频率。取得的主要研究成果如下: 使用 K95+ 模型结合 MCMC 方法,拟合了 Kirk 等人的心跳星目录中 153 个不含掩食的 Kepler 心跳星系统的轨道参数。其中有 100 多个系统的轨道参数是首次给出。并基于偏心率周期 (e−P) 的样本数据提出了一个关于轨道周期小于 10 天的系统中偏心率上限与轨道周期之间关系的经验方程。同时也进一步验证了心跳星的轨道演化过程中存在轨道圆化的现象。通过这项工作,开发了拟合不含掩食的心跳星的程序。在第 1 项工作的基础上,进一步分析这些系统的傅里叶频谱。新发现了 21 个心跳星表现出 TEOs,其中 12 个为显著的 TEOs (𝑆/𝑁 ≥ 10)。验证了轨道偏心率与 TEOs 谐波数之间存在正相关性的理论,也验证了表面有效温度 𝑇eff ≳ 6500 K 的系统中更容易产生 TEOs 这一理论。并进一步发现轨道周期与 TEOs 谐波数之间也存在正相关性,还发现了短周期系统更容易产生 TEOs。通过这项工作,开发了寻找谐波 TEO 和非谐波 TEO 的自动化程序。在以上工作的基础上,进一步分析了 14 个 Kepler 心跳星中 TEOs 的脉动相位和模式。大多数系统的脉动相位都可以用 𝑙 = 2、𝑚 = 0 或 ±2 的模式来解释。其中有两个系统中的所有 TEOs 都与理论预期偏差较大,分析表明这种偏差可以用其自旋轴与轨道轴错位来解释。另外五个系统中有部分 TEOs 与理论预期存在偏差,分析表明这些 TEOs 可能不是真正的 TEO 候选体、或者它们可能是行波而非驻波。此外还发现了拱线进动也可能是造成较大偏差的另一个原因。研究了含掩食的 Kepler 心跳星 KIC 7914906 中的混合脉动。使用 MCMC 方法并结合 PHOEBE 偏心轨道双星模型对光变曲线进行了拟合。获得了该系统的轨道周期、偏心率、轨道倾角、近星点辐角、质量比、主次星有效温度、主次星相对半径等物理参数。发现该系统中次星质量更小、温度更高、半径更大。这说明次星的演化可能已经离开主序。傅里叶频谱分析表明该系统中含有 TEOs、𝛾 Dor和 𝛿 Sct 混合脉动。此外还发现了其中一个子星的自转周期。通过这项工作,开发了针对含掩食的心跳星的解轨程序。
其他摘要Heartbeat stars (HBSs) are a class of detached binary systems in highly eccentric orbits. During the periastron passage, the strong tidal interaction due to the close distance will cause the ellipsoidal distortion of the components, and produce strong mutual irradiation effects and Doppler booming and other effects, which will make the luminosity of the system suddenly change, and the shape of its light curve is similar to the ”heartbeat” in the electrocardiogram. Thus, their name derives from the presence of a heartbeat signature in their light curves. HBSs are ideal laboratories to study the formation and evolution of binary stars in eccentric orbits and to explore the internal structural changes of components under strong tidal action; it is also a class of important objects to study the properties of tidally excited oscillations (TEOs) and to search for special celestial bodies, etc. Therefore, they are important and valuable in scientific research. Although theoretical work on HBSs is extensive, they have not been detected by ground-based telescopes due to the small amplitude and short duration of the light variations. It was not until the release of long-period, high-precision photometric data from the Kepler space telescope that the tiny changes in the light curves were discovered and began to be studied. In this paper, more than 100 HBSs have been analyzed and studied, mainly using Kepler photometric data and stellar atmospheric parameters from the LAMOST and Gaia surveys. A set of effective approaches to fit the light curve of all types of HBSs (eclipsed or not) has been compiled. A Fourier spectrum analysis program has been developed to support the automatic analysis of large volume data, to analyze the TEOs and their phases and modes, and to extract the frequencies in the Fourier spectrum. The main research results of this thesis are as follows: 153 HBSs without eclipsing in Kirk et al. catalog have been modeled by using the K95+ model based on the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. Orbital parameters of more than 100 systems are obtained for the first time. An empirical equation has been proposed for the relationship between the upper limit of eccentricity and the orbital period in systems with orbital periods less than 10 days based on the eccentricity-period (e−P) relation. The e−P relation also reveals the existence of orbital circularization in HBSs. In this work we have compiled a set of well-established fitting methods that can be used to fit HBSs without eclipsing.The Fourier spectra of these systems are further analyzed based on the previous work. The TEOs of 21 HBSs have been newly analyzed and presented. Twelve of these HBSs show prominent TEOs (signal-to-noise ratio of the harmonics 𝑆/𝑁 ≥ 10). The relation between the orbital eccentricities and the harmonic number of the TEOs shows a positive correlation. Furthermore, the distribution of HBSs with TEOs in the Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram shows that TEOs are more visible in hot stars with surface effective temperatures 𝑇 ≳ 6500 K. The relation between the orbital periods and the harmonic number also shows a positive correlation. The relatively short period corresponds to strong tidal forces that can more easily form TEOs. A set of analytic procedures to examine the harmonic and anharmonic TEOs in their Fourier spectra has been compiled.Based on the orbital parameters of candidate TEOs from the two previous works, the pulsation phases and amplitudes of TEOs in fourteen Kepler HBSs have been determined. The pulsation phases of most systems can be explained by the dominant 𝑙 = 2, 𝑚 = 0, or ±2 spherical harmonic, assuming that the spin and orbital axes are aligned and that the pulsations are adiabatic and standing waves. The large deviations occur in two systems, which can be explained by the spin-orbit misalignment. Other large deviations in five other systems suggest that these harmonics should not be considered TEO candidates, or that they should be expected to be travelling waves rather than standing waves. In addition, we suggest that the apsidal motion could cause large deviations in TEO phases from theoretical values.The eclipsing HBS KIC 7914906 with hybrid pulsations has been studied. The parameters, including orbital period, eccentricity, inclination, argument of periastron, mass ratio, effective temperatures and relative radii, are derived based on the PHOEBE model and MCMC method. The secondary component has a lower mass and a larger radius, indicating that it may have evolved off the main sequence. The Fourier spectral analysis shows that the object exhibits the TEOs, 𝛾 Dor and 𝛿 Sct hybrid pulsations. We also examine the rotation period of one component. In this work we have compiled the fitting methods for eclipsing HBSs.
学科门类理学 ; 理学::天文学
GB/T 7714
李敏榆. 基于开普勒空间巡天数据的心跳星分析与研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院大学,2024.
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