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Non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) abundances of europium (Eu) for a sample of metal-poor stars in the galactic halo and metal-poor disk with 1D and ⟨3D⟩ models 期刊论文
ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 2025, 卷号: 693, 页码: 8
作者:  Guo YJ(郭彦君);  Storm, Nicholas;  Bergemann, Maria;  Lian, Jianhui;  Alexeeva, Sofya;  Li, Yangyang;  Ezzeddine, Rana;  Jeffrey, Gerber;  Chen XF(陈雪飞)
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catalogs  Sun: abundances  stars: abundances  stars: evolution  Galaxy: evolution  
On the Origins of Extreme Velocity Stars as Revealed by Large-scale Galactic Surveys 期刊论文
ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 2023, 卷号: 166, 期号: 1
作者:  Li QZ(李清政);  Huang, Yang;  Dong XB(董小波);  Zhang, Hua-Wei;  Beers, Timothy C.;  Yuan, Zhen
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X-Shooting ULLYSES: Massive stars at low metallicity: I. Project description 期刊论文
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2023, 卷号: 675
作者:  Vink, Jorick S.;  Mehner, A.;  Crowther, P. A.;  Fullerton, A.;  Garcia, M.;  Martins, F.;  Morrell, N.;  Oskinova, L. M.;  St-Louis, N.;  Ud-Doula, A.;  Sander, A. A.;  Sana, H.;  Bouret, J.-C.;  Kubátová, B.;  Marchant, P.;  Martins, L. P.;  Wofford, A.;  Van Loon, J. Th.;  Grace Telford, O.;  Götberg, Y.;  Bowman, D. M.;  Erba, C.;  Kalari, V. M.;  Abdul-Masih, M.;  Alkousa, T.;  Backs, F.;  Barbosa, C. L.;  Berlanas, S. R.;  Bernini-Peron, M.;  Bestenlehner, J. M.;  Blomme, R.;  Bodensteiner, J.;  Brands, S. A.;  Evans, C. J.;  David-Uraz, A.;  Driessen, F. A.;  Dsilva, K.;  Geen, S.;  González, V. M.;  Grassitelli, L.;  Hamann, W.-R.;  Hawcroft, C.;  Herrero, A.;  Higgins, E. R.;  John Hillier, D.;  Ignace, R.;  Istrate, A. G.;  Kaper, L.;  Kee, N. D.;  Kehrig, C.;  Keszthelyi, Z.;  Klencki, J.;  De Koter, A.;  Kuiper, R.;  Laplace, E.;  Larkin, C. J.;  Lefever, R. R.;  Leitherer, C.;  Lennon, D. J.;  Mahy, L.;  Maíz Apellániz, J.;  Maravelias, G.;  Marcolino, W.;  McLeod, A. F.;  Mink, S. E.;  Najarro, F.;  Oey, M. S.;  Parsons, T. N.;  Pauli, D.;  Pedersen, M. G.;  Prinja, R. K.;  Ramachandran, V.;  Tannus, M. C.;  Sabhahit, G. N.;  Schootemeijer, A.;  Reyero Serantes, S.;  Shenar, T.;  Stringfellow, G. S.;  Sudnik, N.;  Tramper, F.;  Wang LQ(王璐茜)
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stars: atmospheres  stars: early-type  stars: winds, outflows  stars: evolution  methods: observational  galaxies: dwarf  
TYC 2990-127-1: An Algol-type SB2 binary system of subgiant and red giant with a probable ongoing mass-transfer 期刊论文
MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 2022, 卷号: 513, 期号: 3, 页码: 4295-4307
作者:  Kovalev, Mikhail;  Li ZW(李振威);  Zhang, Xiaobin;  Li JD(李江丹);  Chen XF(陈雪飞);  Han ZW(韩占文)
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binaries: spectroscopic  binaries: symbiotic  stars: evolution  stars: individual: TYC 2990-127-1  
The SAPP pipeline for the determination of stellar abundances and atmospheric parameters of stars in the core program of the PLATO mission 期刊论文
作者:  Gent, Matthew Raymond;  Bergemann, Maria;  Serenelli, Aldo;  Casagrande, Luca;  Gerber, Jeffrey M.;  Heiter, Ulrike;  Kovalev, Mikhail;  Morel, Thierry;  Nardetto, Nicolas;  Adibekyan, Vardan;  Aguirre, Víctor Silva;  Asplund, Martin;  Belkacem, Kevin;  Burgo, Carlos del;  Bigot, Lionel;  Chiavassa, Andrea;  Díaz, Luisa Fernanda Rodríguez;  Goupil, Marie-Jo;  Hernández, Jonay I. González;  Mourard, Denis;  Merle, Thibault;  Mészáros, Szabolcs;  Marshall, Douglas J.;  Ouazzani, Rhita-Maria;  Plez, Bertrand;  Reese, Daniel;  Trampedach, Regner;  Tsantaki, Maria
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surveys  stars: fundamental parameters  stars: solar-type  stars: abundances  stars: atmospheres  
Radial stellar populations of AGN-host dwarf galaxies in SDSS-IV MaNGA survey 期刊论文
作者:  Cai W(蔡伟);  Zhao YH(赵应和);  Bai JM(白金明)
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galaxies  dwarf  galaxies  active  galaxies  galaxies stellar content