

合作作者[TOP 5]



    内部: 53
    外部: 13757
    国内: 13110
    国外: 700


    内部: 0
    外部: 1401
    国内: 1319
    国外: 82


    内部: 0
    外部: 130
    国内: 115
    国外: 15



1. Electron acceleration in interaction of magnetic islands in large .. [818]
2. HPIC-LBM在大尺度湍流磁重联磁能释放-耗散-转移机制中的应用研究 [627]
3. Relativistic HPIC-LBM and its application in large temporal-spatia.. [590]
4. Evolution of the turbulent magnetic reconnection and interaction o.. [589]
5. Application of HPIC-LBM in Large temporal-spatial scale 3D turbule.. [581]
6. Stress Shadow on the Southwest Portion of the Longmen Shan Fault I.. [570]
7. Submicron size-scale mapping of carbonate effective elastic proper.. [544]
8. Relativistic HPIC-LBM and its Application in Large Temporal-spatia.. [529]
9. Exploring the Role of Turbulent Acceleration and Heating in Fracta.. [500]
10. 粒子云网格方法在大尺度湍流磁重联研究中的应用和进展 [487]
11. 基于超算暨HPIC-LBM的大时空尺度三维湍流磁重联数值模拟研究 [453]
12. Do the Two Seismic Gaps in the SouthwesternSection of the Longmen .. [387]
13. Velocity Distribution Associated With EUV Disturbances Caused by E.. [370]
14. 深源月震机理理论研究——震源热应力场与潮汐应力场分析 [353]
15. 月球冷却过程中的热应力与月震机制之间关系的初步分析 [247]
16. 基于国产异构平台暨等离子体统计物理的高能粒子空间天气灾害预警软件 [187]
17. Editorial: New advances in lunar and related planetary studies [136]
18. 基于HIP的异构并行LBM三维流体模拟软件[简称:HIP-LBM3D] [130]
19. 基于平均场理论的大尺度电流片精细演化湍流耗散研究 .. [111]