YNAO OpenIR  > 双星与变星研究组
其他题名An observational study on the near contact binaries of the primary filled its Roche Lobe and poor-thermal contact
关键词近相接双星 主星充满的近相接双星 弱热相接双星 O - C 物质转移
摘要近相接双星是指两子星皆充满或者临近充满各自洛希瓣的一类密近双星系统,系统中两子星对其洛希瓣的充满度都非常高,但是还没有形成公共对流包层,两子星表面温度差距还很大。对近相接双星的研究,有助于探索相接双星的形成原因。特别地,主星充满洛希瓣的近相接双星有明显的物质转移特征。从主星到次星的物质转移,导致系统轨道周期长期减小,并伴有对应相位的畸变,是研究双星间物质交流的理想实验室。然而,这类近相接双星源处于快速物质转移阶段,演化时标很短,所以目前的样本还非常少。此外,弱热相接型近相接双星是指两子星都充满了各自洛希瓣,然而表面温度差异很大的近相接双星(下文简称弱热相接双星)。主星充满洛希瓣的近相接双星和弱热相接双星,被认为是热弛豫振荡过程中的两个阶段,对检验热弛豫振荡理论有重要意义。然而,目前这两类近相接双星样本非常有限,且样本中短周期样本匮乏,这给热弛豫振荡理论带来了挑战。为了寻找更多这两种类型的近相接双星样本,我们对一批样本进行了观测研究,并对目前的样本进行了初步的统计分析,得到的主要研究结果如下:运用W-D程序对V505 Cyg的光变曲线进行了解轨,结合周期分析,发现它是一个主星充满洛希瓣的近相接双星。它的光变曲线的主极大高于次极大,揭示物质流从主星转移到次星、撞击次星表面产生局部高温区域。另外,其长期减小的轨道周期,亦可以用物质从主星转移到次星的假设来解释。其轨道周期除长期减小外,还出现周期性振荡。通过周期变化分析,揭示出第三天体的光时轨道效应最有可能是导致V505 Cyg轨道周期周期性振荡的原因。随着轨道周期收缩,V505 Cyg将演化为相接双星。V505 Cyg也有可能是一个热弛豫振荡理论预言的相接破裂系统,其目前又在朝着相接状态演化。通过对J115114进行两次观测,我们得到了其BVRI波段间隔接近两年的两组完整光变曲线,并利用W-D对这两组光变曲线进行了拟合。拟合结果皆表明J115114也是一个主星充满洛希瓣的近相接双星。特别地,其质量比低于0.2。如此低的质量比表明J115114很可能已经经历过至少一次热弛豫振荡循环,其可能已经完成质量比反转,目前正处在热弛豫振荡预言的相接破裂阶段或物质刚刚从主星向次星转移阶段。此外,利用现有的掩食光变极小时刻,O - C分析显示其轨道周期长期减小,这与其位形相符。随着轨道周期减小,J115114将会演化为相接双星。我们利用W-D程序对用中泰70厘米望远镜观测所得的多波段光变曲线进行了拟合,结果显示V0749 Aur为一个弱热相接双星,因为其两子星的充满度都很高,但表面温度差别还很大。结合巡天数据,我们修正了它的周期。W-D解轨结果显示第三光占比很高。通过查询Gaia天体测量参数,本文确认测光解中的第三光来自于一颗背景星。Gaia天体测量参数显示背景星和V0749 Aur的坐标很接近,但是视差存在很大差异,因此它们不可能存在引力束缚,只是处在视线的同一方向上。我们利用W-D程序对V719 Her的TESS高精度测光数据以及地基巡天望远镜的数据进行了拟合,结果显示它也是一个弱热相接双星,其相接度很小。EB类型的光变曲线也暗示其还未达到热相接状态。它的光变曲线快速变化,W-D拟合显示主星上位置和半径快速变化的黑子导致了V719 Her的光变曲线连续变化。V719 Her是一个磁活动很强的晚型星(光谱型G3),光谱上的Hα发射线也证实了其活动性。另外,其轨道周期长期减小。计算结果表明这是系统轨道角动量损失和物质转移共同作用的结果。另外,O-C分析显示V719 Her的轨道周期还存在周期性振荡,这种振荡可能来自第三天体的光时轨道效应或者磁活动。结合巡天数据,我们更新了两个W UMa型相接双星HH UMa和V1175 Her的轨道周期变化分析,并首次发现其O-C数据都存在周期性振荡。经过分析,本文认为第三天体的光时轨道效应最可能是引起这两个系统轨道周期发生周期性振荡的原因。特别地,V1175 Her的第三天体的最小质量,大于V1175 Her双星系统较小质量子星的质量,这说明第三天体并未取代双星系统中较小质量的子星,V1175 Her保留了原始的动力学信息。本论文搜集了已知的主星充满洛希瓣的近相接双星样本以及一批弱热相接双星样本。统计分析显示主星充满的近相接双星的周期和周期变化率存在线性关系。结合其他研究者搜集的相接双星样本表,本文比较了这三种双星的周期、总质量、总轨道角动量、质量比的分布。基于搜集的样本,统计分析的结果显示相接双星周期的峰值小于两种近相接双星的,且其周期呈几乎对称方式分布。主星充满的近相接双星和弱热相接双星的周期整体分布在长周期(P>0.45 d)部分,且有两个峰值。此外,主星充满的近相接双星在总质量、总轨道角动量的整体分布皆大于弱热相接双星与相接双星。然而,主星充满的近相接双星和弱热相接双星,在轨道周期、总质量、总角动量方面的分布存在很大部分重叠。至于质量比,主星充满的近相接双星的峰值,大于弱热相接双星和相接双星的,而后两者的差距则很小。
其他摘要Near Contact Binaries (NCBs) are a sub-type of close binary systems in which both components have filled or nearly fill their Roche lobes. In the systems, both components have high filling-degree to their Roche lobes, while a common convective envelope has not yet formed, along with the surface temperature difference between the two stars is large. The study on NCBs is helpful for researchers to explore the process of the formation of contact binaries. In particular, NCBs with the primary component filling its Roche lobes (SD1s) show obvious characteristics of mass transfer. The mass transfer from the primary component to the secondary, results in a long-term decrease of the orbital period of these systems, accompanied by the light curve distortion in the corresponding phase. Therefore, the SD1s are served as ideal laboratories for studying mass exchange between the two components of binaries. However, because such NCBs are in the stage of rapid mass transfer and have a very short evolutionary time scale, there are few such samples available at present. In addition, NCBs of the poor-thermal contact are the ones where both components have filled their Roche Lobes, while large temperature difference exists (hereinafter poor-thermal contact binaries). Both the SD1s and the poor-thermal contact binaries, are believed to be the two stages that predicted by the theory of Thermal Relaxation Oscillation (TRO), and are significant to test the theory of TRO. However, samples of these two types of NCBs are very limited, and the short-period samples are scarce among them, which causes a challenge to the theory of TRO. In this paper, in order to find out more such two kinds of NCBs, we conducted observation studies on a batch of objects, and carries out the preliminary statistical analysis based on the currently available samples, obtaining the main results that are as follows: Using the W-D code to analyse the light curves of V505 Cyg, combined with the period analysis, it is found that it is an SD1 system. The primary maximum of its light curve is higher than the secondary, which signifies that the mass flow is transferred from the more massive star to the less massive one, causing locally high-temperature regions on the surface of the latter one. In addition, its secular decreasing orbital period can also be explained as that the matter is transferring from the more massive star to its companion. Apart from the secular decrease of the orbital period, a periodic oscillation also exists. With the period analysis, the Light Travel Time Effect (LTTE) of a third body is believed to be the most probable cause to lead to the periodic oscillation of V505 Cyg. As the orbital period shrinkage, V505 Cyg will evolve into a contact binary. V505 Cyg now may also lie in a stage predicted by the TRO theory, and is currently evolving towards a contact binary system. By conducting two observations on J115114, we obtained two complete sets of light curves in the BVRI bands with the interval of about two years, and fitted those two sets of light curves with the W-D code. Both results showed that J115114 is an SD1 as well. Especially, its mass ratio is less than 0.2. Such a low mass ratio indicates that J115114 is likely to have experienced at least one TRO cycle, and it may have went through the mass ratio reversal. Currently, it is probable in the phase of contact-broken predicted by the TRO theory, or at the beginning of mass transfer from the primary component to the secondary. In addition, with all available eclipsing timings, the analysis of O - C manifests that its orbital period is decreasing continuously, which agrees with the configuration derived with the W-D code. As the orbital period decreases, J115114 will finally evolve into a contact binary. We fitted the multi-filter light curves observed with the Sino-Thai 70cm telescope with the W-D code, finding that V0749 Aur is a poor-thermal contact binary, where both the two components have high filling degree of their Roche lobes, while significant temperature difference between them exists. Based on the sky survey data, we have revised its period. In addition, the analysis with W-D code showed a large contribution of a third light. By querying the Gaia astrometric parameters, we confirmed that the third light in the photometric solution is from a background star. The Gaia astrometric parameters show that the background star and V0749 Aur have similar coordinate,while they have quite different parallaxes. Therefore, they cannot be gravitationally bound, but are in the same direction of the sight line. We applied the W-D code to fit the high-precision photometric data of V719 Her from TESS and other from the ground-based sky survey telescopes, finding that V719 Her is also a poor-thermal contact binary with a small degree of contact. The light curves of V719 Her belong to the EB type, which indicates that it has not yet reached the thermal-contact state. Its light curves change rapidly over time, and the W-D fitting shows that a cool spot which rapidly changes its positions and radii on the primary component, leads to the continuous changes of the light curves of V719 Her. V719 Her is a late-type (G3-type spectra) binary with strong magnetic activities, and the Hα emission line from its spectrum also confirmed its magnetic activities. In addition, its orbital period is decreasing, which, based on our calculations, is believed to be the result of the cooperation of the angular momentum loss and mass transfer between the system. In addition, the O-C analysis shows that there is a periodic oscillation in its orbital period, which may be caused by the LTTE of a third body or by magnetic activities. Applying the sky-survey data, we have updated the orbital period-variation analyses of two W UMa contact binaries: HH UMa and V1175 Her. For the first time, the periodic oscillations of their O-C data were detected. Our analysis suggests that the LTTE of a third body is the most probable cause of the periodic oscillations of these two systems. In particular, the minimum mass of the third body in V1175 Her is greater than the mass of the less massive component of V1175 Her, indicating that the less massive one of the binary system was not replaced by the third body, thus V1175 He retains the original dynamic information. We have collected all reported samples of the SD1, along with some poor-thermal contact binaries in this work. The statistical analysis manifests that there is a linear relationship between the period and the rate of the period change of the SD1s. Combined with the samples of contact binaries collected by other researchers, the distributions of the period, total mass, total orbital angular momentum and mass ratio of these three binaries are compared. Based on the available samples, the conclusion from the statistical analysis reveals that the peak value of the period of contact binaries is smaller than those of the two types NCBs, and its period distribution is almost symmetrical. However, the periods of SD1s and poor-thermal contact binaries are generally distributed in the long period (P>0.45 d) region, and there are two peaks. In addition, the overall distributions of the total mass and total orbital angular momentum of the SD1s are larger than those of the poor-thermal contact binaries and contact binaries. However, the distribution of orbital period, total mass, and total angular momentum of SD1s and poor-thermal contact binaries overlap among most regions. As for the mass ratio, the peak value of the SD1s is larger than those of the poor-thermal contact binaries and contact binaries, while the difference between the latter two is very small.
学科门类理学 ; 理学::天文学
GB/T 7714
常林凤. 主星充满洛希瓣型及弱热相接型近相接双星的观测研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院大学,2023.
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