YNAO OpenIR  > 抚仙湖太阳观测和研究基地
其他题名Observational studies on the pre-flare activities and complex dynamic phenomena of Solar eruptions
关键词太阳活动 太阳磁场 日冕物质抛射 太阳耀斑 太阳暗条
摘要太阳爆发是太阳大气中能量爆发性释放引起的活动现象,能在短时间内向 行星际空间抛射大量磁化等离子体,强烈扰动人类赖以生存的地球与空间环境。 从物理上理解太阳爆发的起源,对其空间效应实现准确预报是太阳及空间物理 研究长期追求的科学目标。本文以“太阳爆发的先兆活动与复杂动力学的观测研 究”为题,借助最新的太阳观测设备(如 SDO、NVST、STEREO 等),配合国际 上先进的分析手段(如磁场外推、磁螺度计算、微分辐射量反演等)对爆发前兆 相中多类先兆活动以及爆发中复杂现象展开多波段、高分辨率的观测研究,力图 探究太阳爆发确切的前身磁场位型和触发机制,并尝试解释太阳爆发过程中的 复杂动力学现象成因。主要内容可分三部分:一、从短相前兆活动探求其前身位型与触发机制(1)我们对 2015 年 2 月 21 日的一例暗条分裂爆发事件的短相先兆活动的研 究中发现:该暗条爆发前具有“磁绳—剪切磁拱相互耦合”的复杂磁场位型;爆发 前暗条下方发生的磁缰截断(Tether-Cutting, TC)重联将两束包裹暗条中的剪切 磁拱逐渐转化为热通道状磁绳,并携带着暗条中间部分向上抬升,引发了暗条的 垂直分裂现象。近 7 小时的准静态抬升后,暗条中部突然进入载流环不稳定性磁 域失稳快速爆发,留下南北另外两段暗条成为了所谓的部分爆发现象。(2)在活 动区 12010 的一例热通道状磁绳的初期演化研究中,我们发现热通道可能起源 于日冕大气中预先存在于双曲磁流管位型(HFT)中的一个种子磁绳。爆发前兆 相中,发生于 HFT 内部的三维 TC 重联使得种子磁绳的空间尺度不断增长,内 部等离子温度不断升高,最终转为了观测中的高温热通道磁绳。在热通道的空间 尺度不断增大过程中,其足点朝着两侧向外滑动,高度不断缓慢抬升,最终进入 载流环不稳定性磁域产生了失稳爆发。结合三维爆发理论,我们还对其双带耀斑 在热通道形成与爆发的期间表现出“先沿着极性反转线(PIL)的滑动,后垂直于 PIL 的扩张”特性进行了解释。(3)在多极活动区 11515 的大尺度爆发事件触发 过程研究中,我们发现爆发前新浮磁流驱动了爆发源区中一系列独特的复发性 喷流和紫外增亮。在这些独特的先兆过后,源区内的小暗条很快失去稳定,进一 步抬升形成了大尺度的太阳爆发。结合磁场外推、磁能/磁螺度计算,我们对这些独特先兆的成因进行了确认,发现多极位型中新浮磁流与背景束缚磁场之间 的间歇性磁重联一方面引发了前兆复发喷流,另一方面不断削弱小暗条上方的 磁束缚,最终引发了多极位型中的大爆发。二、从长相前兆活动追溯其结构形成与物质起源(1)通过对一例 2016 年 2 月 6 日的宁静区磁通浮现过后的微暗条形成的研 究,我们发现超米粒内部的磁通浮现具有很强扭缠特性,可以通过先与背景场重 联,再向外传输磁扭缠的方式直接引发微暗条的形成;基于拓扑连接性的磁螺度 计算表明,旋转的浮现磁通在暗条形成期间为其注入了充足的负磁螺度,这与 暗条螺度手征性相一致。微暗条的物质起源可能是浮现拱状暗条系携带至色球 并进一步通过重联合并过程凝聚于磁凹陷中的。(2)另外,利用一米新真空太阳 望远镜(NVST),我们对另一例微暗条的形成和失稳进行了 及偏带高分辨观 测,发现:该微暗条的形成直接由 PIL 附近的光球强剪切流和汇聚流驱动;PIL 附近发生着显著的磁对消,极有可能是近光球层发生磁重联的表现;同时,无数 色球短纤维逐步发生级联重组,最终形成扭缠的暗条磁结构。偏带与多普勒图表 明,在微暗条形成初期,其通道内存在持续的蓝移信号,支持微暗条中冷物质来 源于持续的色球物质上升流;微暗条激活过程中出现明显的抬升和物质旋转多 普勒信号,支持微暗条具有磁通量绳结构,且爆发前发生了 MHD 不稳定性。三、研究太阳爆发过程中复杂动力学现象的成因真实的爆发事件中往往存在太阳爆发理论难以解释的复杂动力学现象。这 些新的现象一方面亟待新的物理解释,另一方面亦有望为现有爆发理论提供新 的约束。(1)我们首先研究了活动区 12010 热通道爆发过程中出现的磁绳足点 动态迁移现象,发现:磁绳在爆发过程中会与背景反极性的倾斜磁环发生一类新 的重联几何,导致其足点朝着远端迁移,同时引发核心暗化区面积快速减少,并 在远端导致次级耀斑带的生成。(2)利用极紫外成像组件 (AIA) 观测与微分辐射 测量(DEM)分析,我们对活动区 12494 附近的两例小尺度暗条爆发导致的驱 动重联事件的进行研究,发现:两例小尺度重联事件均由 S/反 S 形小暗条失稳 过程中非径向运动驱动,且都发生于暗条的轴向磁通与背景反极性磁场之间;重 联过程中,X 型重联位型内部出现了清晰的重联电流片特征;与大尺度爆发电流 片相比,此类重联电流片的阿尔芬马赫数相当,但是电流片内等离子温度更低; 特别地,探测到电流片的出流区存在显著的持续等离子团抛射,暗示着电流片内部可能发生着撕裂摸不稳定性等微观物理过程。(3)我们对多极子活动区 11515 内小尺度暗条爆发引发更大尺度暗条爆发和 CME 的多尺度耦合现象进行了立体 观测,发现:小尺度暗条在爆发过程中与背景磁场发生相互作用,通过快速释放 磁扭缠和物质在十多分钟内导致了一个更大尺度磁绳的形成,最终磁绳失稳引 发了恒星尺度的 CME。
其他摘要As explosive energy release phenomena in the solar atmosphere, solar eruptions could be accompanied by the ejection of a vast amount of magnetized plasma into the interplanetary space, making our near-earth space a hazardous place. Understanding the physical origin of solar eruptions and achieving accurate predictions of their geoeffectiveness are among the most important research goals in both solar and space physics. In this thesis, taking advantage of the high-resolution and multi-wavelength data from the recent satellites and instruments,such as the Solar Dynamics Observatory(SDO),the new vacuum solar telescope(NVST), and the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory(STEREO), we conduct a series of observational studies on real solar eruptions, mainly focusing on their pre-flare activities and complex dynamic phenomena. By applying the state-of-art analysis methods, i.e., magnetic field extrapolation, magnetic helicity calculation, decay index analysis, and the differential emission measure inversion,we investigate in detail the pre-eruption magnetic configuration and the triggering mechanisms of solar eruption events, and also explore the physical causes of their associated complex eruptive dynamic phenomena and behaviors. The main contents can be divided into the following three parts.1. Diagnose their pre-eruption structures and triggers from short-term precursors (1) we study the onset process of a solar eruption on 2015 February 21, focusing on its unambiguous precursor phase. With multiwavelength imaging observations from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA), definitive tether-cutting (TC) reconnection signatures, i.e., flux convergence and cancellation, bidirectional jets, and topology change of hot loops, were clearly observed below the pre-eruption filament. As TC reconnec tion progressed between the sheared arcades that enveloped the filament, a channel-like magnetic flux rope (MFR) arose in multiwavelength AIA passbands wrapping around the main axis of the filament. With the subsequent ascent of the newborn MFR, the filament surprisingly split into three branches. After a 7 hr slow-rise phase, the high-lying branch containing the MFR abruptly accelerated causing a two-ribbon flare; while the two low-lying branches remained stable forming a partial eruption. Complemented by kinematic analysis and decay index calculation, we conclude that TC reconnection played a key role in building up the eruptive MFR and triggering its slow rise. The onset of the torus instability may have led the high-lying branch into the standard eruption scenario in the fashion of a catastrophe. (2) We study the early evolution of a hot-channel like magnetic flux rope (MFR) toward eruption in solar active region 12010. Combining with imaging observation and magnetic field extrapolation, we find that the hot channel possibly originated from a preexisting seed MFR with a hyperbolic flux tube (HFT). In the precursor phase, three-dimensional tether-cutting reconnection at the HFT is most likely resulting in the heating and buildup of the hot channel. In this process, the forming hot channel was rapidly enlarged at its spatial size and slipped its feet to two remote positions. Afterward, it instantly erupted outwards with an exponential acceleration, leaving two core dimmings near its feet. We suggest that preflare reconnection at the HFT played a crucial role in enlarging the seed MFR and facilitating the onset of its final solar eruption. Moreover, we further explain the so-called ”elongation-to-expansion” transition of two-ribbon flare based on three-dimensional eruption theory. (3) We study the triggering process of a major solar eruption within a multipolar active region 11515, which associated with a series of recurrent coronal jets and UV brightenings. We find a newly emerged filament system was moving towards the opposite-polarity feet of high-lying coronal loops, resulting in an enhanced current interface. Accordingly, recurrent magnetic reconnection took place over there, causing the formation of coronal jets and also reducing the magnetic constraint over the small filament. Afterward, the small filament gradually lost its equilibrium and further resulted in a major CME and an M5.6 flare. Via magnetic extrapolation and energy calculation, we find in the pre-flare phase of this event, there was enough free magnetic energy for major solar eruption, but it kept stable until the occurrence of recurrent jets. Moreover, a part of free energy was also recurrently released during the coronal jets. These observations provide clear evidence that pre-flare reconnection plays a key role to trigger the onset of solar eruption within a multipolar configuration. 2. Quest their structure formation and plasma supply from long-term precursors(1) We present observations of the formation process of a small-scale filament on the quiet Sun during 6 February 2016 and investigate its formation cause. We find that the dipolar twisted emerging fields within a supergranule can lead to the formation of the filament via reconnection with pre-existing fields and release of its inner magnetic twist. Consistent with the dextral chirality of the filament, magnetic helicity calculations show that an amount of negative helicity was persistently injected from the rotational positive magnetic element and accumulated during the formation of the filament. In addition, we suggest that the emergence of AFS and ensuing reconnection during the formation course of the filament may be beneficial for its final plasma accumulation. (2) With the high-resolution chromospheric observations, we study the detailed formation and destabilization of a solar mini-filament. We find that: the strong shearing flow and converging flow near the PIL play a key role in the formation of a mini-filament channel. Meanwhile, clear evidence shows that short chromospheric fibrils were keeping to reconfigure with each other and finally build up the filament channel via a cascade-like coalescence process. The off-band 𝐻𝛼 observations and reconstructed doppler proxy map show that persistent blueshift signals existed along the filament channel, implying that persistent cool plasma upflow from the chromosphere may be responsible for the filament mass supply. Besides, the activated mini-filament demonstrated several unique doppler signals, suggesting that mini-filament possessed flux-rope configuration and suffered from MHD instability before its eruption. 3. Find the physical causes of their associated complex dynamic phenomena(1) We revisit the hot channel eruption in solar active region 12010, and investigate the footpoint drift behavior of the eruptive solar magnetic flux rope(MFR). we find that MFR’s west footpoint drift was induced by a new reconnection geometry among the erupting MFR’s leg and thereby inclined arcades. As MFR’s west footpoints gradually drifted to a new position, a set of newborn atypical flare loops connected into the west core dimming, causing a rapid decrease of dimmed area inside this core dimming and also generating a secondary flare ribbon at their remote feet. This reveals that core dimmings may suffer a pronounced diminishment due to the eruptive MFR’s footpoint drift, implying that mapping the real footpoints of the erupting MFR down to the Sun’s surface is more difficult than previously thought. (2) We study two external forced magnetic reconnection events near NOAA active region 12494 for their current sheet (CS) formation. In both events, small-scale reconnection happened between mini-filaments and other preexisting magnetic fields. Initially, mini-filaments underwent obvious non-radial rotating motion due to their loss of equilibrium. With their clockwise/anti-clockwise rotation, the axial fluxes of the mini-filaments slowly came to squeeze the anti-parallel ambient fields, leading to an X-shaped structure. As the squeezing effect strengthened, CS regions gradually formed and grew in length, with a temperature of around 1.8 MK. Based on the multiwavelength imaging observations, the apparent thickness/length, temperature/emission of the CS regions, and their related plasma flows are carefully analyzed. Their reconnection rates are roughly estimated as 0.01–0.06 and 0.01–0.02. In particular, a chain of high-speed plasmoid ejections was detected along with a set of the reconnected field lines in Event1, implying the onset of tearing-mode instability inside its CS region. These observations indicate that non -radial rotating motion of filaments can serve as external flows to drive reconnection, and also provide a basic scenario of CS formation within small-scale magnetic reconnection processes. (3) With stereoscopic observations, we revisit the major solar eruption within AR 11515, and further investigate the multi-scale coupling process between a small filament eruption and a giant prominence-involved CME. We find that the erupting small filament resulted in the rapid buildup of a large-scale MFR within 20 minutes via interacting and reconnecting with background fields. During this process, the magnetic twist and cool plasma that pre-stored in the erupting small filament was observed to transform into another remote leg of the newborn MFR. Eventually, the newborn large-scale MFR soon lost its equilibrium yielding a giant CME. This research provides clear evidence that a small-scale eruption can induce a staller-sized CME by a multi-scale magnetic coupling process.
学科领域天文学 ; 太阳与太阳系 ; 太阳物理学
学科门类理学 ; 理学::天文学
GB/T 7714
陈何超. 太阳爆发的前兆活动与复杂动力学的观测研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院大学,2020.
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