There are two parts of work included in this thesis. In the first one, we developed anovel method of identifying and tracking both the isolated and the non-isolated BPs in thephotosphere. The isolated (non-isolated) BPs are those that did not (did) experience eithersplitting or merging in their lifetimes. With the new method, we totally identified 2010 BPs.Among them 35% are non-isolated, and the rest are isolated. We mainly studied basic properties(such as the lifetime, area and intensity) of the isolated and the non-isolated BPs in di erentbackground magnetic field regions. The results show that the area and intensity of both theisolated and the non-isolated BPs are independent of the background magnetic field. However,the lifetime are shorter in the regions of stronger background magnetic field and are longerin the regions of weaker background magnetic field. The number density and area coverageof BPs are higher in the stronger background magnetic field regions than those in the weakerbackground magnetic field regions.Based on the first work, we further developed a method of identifying and tracking boththe photospheric bright points (PBPs) and the chromospheric bright points (CBPs), as well aspairing them. We identified, tracked and paired 278 BPs. And then, we found that the lifetimesof PBPs and CBPs are positive correlated with coe cient of 0.8. We further analyzed thedi erence in appearance time, disappearance time, and lifetime of these BP pairs. These threeparameters are all follow the Gaussian distribution. We conclude here that the formation anddisintegration mechanisms of PBPs and CBPs are di erent. However, both the formation anddisintegration of PBPs and CBPs are based on the formation and disintegration of flux tubesthey are located in. Therefore, this is probably the reason that lifetimes of the PBP and theCBP have positive correlation. We further calculated the horizontal displacement between thePBP and the CBP at the same observation time.The displacement follow Gaussian distribution.We also calculated the turbulence displacement of the flux tubes and found that it followsexponential decrease distribution as the turbulence displacement increase. Such turbulencedisplacement might be caused by the propagation of the MHD waves along the flux tubes.