YNAO OpenIR  > 高能天体物理研究组
TeV BL Lacs天体高能辐射性质及其红移的限定
其他题名Properties of High Energy Radiation in TeV BL Lacs and Constrain of their Redshift
关键词TeV Blazar天体 辐射机制 红移 河外背景光(EBL) 正负电子对产 生
摘要Blazar是一类特殊的活动星系核(Active Galaxy Nuclei),其核心存在着猛烈的活动现象或剧烈的物理过程。到现在为止,所有已经发现的GeV-TeV的活动星系大部分都为BL Lacs,它们的辐射机制可以采用一个单区的同步辐射加自康普顿散射的模型来描述。然而对于一些TeV的Blazar,尤其BL Lacs源,如果用上述模型拟合,需要一些极端的参数来拟合。因此系统的甄别出这些源,对未来进一步的研究能提供目标。随着近年来地面和空间望远镜的投入使用,使我们有机会获得大量的(准)同时观测数据从而直接通过能谱拟合来分析BL Lacs的能在属性,除此之外,考虑到GeV-TeV 的BL Lacs普遍被认为是处在Blazar演化序列的末端,因此了解它们的物理性质,对于理解它们的辐射机制、甚至探讨星系背景光的模型有着重要的意义。本论文将系统的对GeV-TeV的BL Lacs的物理属性进行研究,并且提出一种限定它们红移的方法。(1)采用马尔科夫蒙特卡洛(MCMC)方法对一组GeV-TeV的BL Lacs天体的物理性质的研究。我们的样本属于BL Lac天体,因此在喷流外围除了同步辐射的软光子场外,没有其他的软光子场,让我们有机会直接研究BL Lacs辐射区的物理性质,另外我们采用了简单的单区的SSC模型并且在MCMC方法的基础上拟合了46个GeV-TeV的BL Lacs能谱。我们得到了磁场、电子分布谱、多普勒因子参数的值。在此基础上,结合文献中得到的黑洞质量等探讨了其物理性质。我们通过以上手段分别对各种参数分布、黑洞吸积、 jet的物理性质以及结合一个FSRQs 样本对Blazar的演化序列进行了确认,其次我们首次系统性的考虑了jet中的结构可能不是简单的一个单区,而是由快慢两个结构构成,并且分析了这种结构由于磁场过大,抑制了开尔文-赫尔姆霍兹发生,因此对于HSP源,在光学波段的天光变发生几率较小。然而我们也看到,我们的结果中,有一些源,他们的一些物理参量过于极端,尤其多普勒因子(大于50),不符合VLBI观测,因此在未来的工作中,可能要考虑新的模型去对这些源进行重新考虑。(2)对于BL Lacs天体,由于它们缺少发射线和吸收线,因此它们的红移很难被直接获得。甚高能光子(VHE,大于 100 GeV)在传播过程中会受到星系背景光(EBL)的吸收。由这种启发,我们提出了一种估测TeV BL Lacs红移的方法。在这种方法里,红移被当作一种自由参数对待,通过拟合从光学到GeV波段的能谱通过SSC拟合,然后在将拟合到的能谱通过EBL消光后插值到TeV能段。考虑到EBL吸收只与红移有关,我们通过比较观测到的多波段能谱和拟合得到的能谱,我们就能估测出耀变体的红移大小。我们在拟合过程中,也采用了MCMC方法去分析参数空间。除此之外,我们采用了取自于文献中的从紫外、光学、 X波段一直到TeV波段涵盖了OVIO、 KVA 60厘米望远镜、 Swift X波段以及Fermi/LAT、 MAGIC、 H.E.S.S 与VERITAS等几个望远镜数据。需要注意的是,在SSC模型中,电子谱的分布对最后形成的能谱起至关重要的作用,它反映了喷流区的电子的加速和冷却机制,并且影响能谱分布的形状,因此本文也考虑三种电子能谱,即截断幂律谱(BPL)、幂律加指数高能截断谱(PLC)和对数抛物线型的电子谱(PLLP)来对BL Lacs能谱拟合。除此之外, EBL模型也直接影响这红移的估测,为此,我们引入了一个归一化因子去减小EBL模型的不确定性。我们采用上述模型获得了以下结果:对于3C66A,采用电子谱为BPL和PLLP时候红移分别为0.14-0.31与0.16-0.32;对于PKS1424+240,采用电子谱为BPL和PLLP时候红移分别为0.55-0.68与0.55-0.67;对于PG1553+113,采用电子谱为BPL和PLLP时候红移分别为0.22-0.48与0.22-0.39。除此之外,我们也对PKS1424+240处在耀变时候的红移进行了估测,在PLLP的电子谱下,红移为0.46-0.67,这个范围也大致的与它在低态时候的值相似。
其他摘要Blazar, a special subclass of active galaxy nuclei(AGNs), are the centers of galaxies with violent activities. So far, almost all identifled GeV-TeV AGNs are BL Lacs, their radiation mechanism can be well described as a one-zone synchrotron + synchrotron-self-Compton (SSC) model. However, for some TeV Blazars, especially for BL Lac objects, their spectral energy distributions (SEDs)require extreme value of parameters based on the SSC model. To flnd out those objects enable us to go further research. In addition,since the launch of the space-based and ground-based telescopes, we have the opportunity to get the (quasi-)simultaneous multi-waveband SEDs and study the properties of the BL Lacs by fltting the SEDs directly. Furthermore, the BL Lacs, as the end of the Blazar sequence, to study the emission mechanism and research the model of the extragalactic background light(EBL), their statistical study of physical properties are needed. In this thesis we present the systematic analysis of the physical properties of the GeV-TeV BL Lacs and the method to constrain thereddhifts of TeV BL Lacs.(1) Using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to study a sample of GeV-TeV BL Lacs. The BL Lac objects are thought to be old quasars with weak or no external seed photons plus an ine–cient accretion disk, their SEDs sufier less contamination by external photons and give us an opportunityto explore the intrinsic physical properties of emitting region as well as the jet. In this paper, we flt the SEDs of 46 GeV - TeV BL Lac objects in the frame of leptonic one-zone synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) model and investigate the physical properties of these objects. We use the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to obtain the basic parameters, such as magnetic fleld (B), the break energy of the relativistic electron distribution and the electron energy spectral index。 Based on the modeling results, as well as the mass of the black hole derived from the literature, we analyze the distributions of the parameters, the accretion ratio and the physical properties of the jet. we also check the so called the blazar sequence and propose that this sequence does exist. Furthermore, the structure of jet may have two sub-structures, namely, a fast core with a slow sheath. This peculiar structure may maintain a steady state for the Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities are suppressed if the magnetic fleld is stronger enough, then leading to the rare micro-variability in the optical bands. At lest,from our results, we flnd that several objects with extreme parameters especially for the Doppler factor(> 50), which disfavors the observation taken by VLBI. This result calls for the further work to study.(2) For BL Lacs without line emission spectrum, its redshift is hard to be obtained directly. VHE (> 100 GeV) photons emitted by BL Lacs are efiectively absorbed by interacting with the EBL. Motivated by this mechanism, we propose a method that use a reliable EBL model to estimate the redshift of TeV BLLac object. In this method, the redshift is a parameter and the SEDs from optical to GeV band are fltted with one-zone SSC model, then the model SED is extrapolated into the TeV band. This extrapolation is modifled by the EBL absorption which only depends on the redshift if the cosmological parameters are given. Comparing the absorbed spectrum with the observed one, we canestimate the redshift z. In the fltting procedure, the MCMC method is used to explore the parameter space. Based on this method, the quasi-simultaneous multi-waveband SEDs of three BL Lacs, observed by Ultraviolet and Optical telescope (OVIO), KVA 60 cm telescope, Swift X-Ray telescope, F ermi/LAT,MAGIC telescopes, H.E.S.S and VERITAS are fltted. However, in the SSC model, the electron energy distributions(EED) is important to determine the SEDs, and indicates the acceleration and cooling processes of electrons in the jet. In this paper, three types of EEDs, a power-law with exponential cut-off (PLC), a log-parabola (PLLP) and a broken power-law (BPL) are adopted. We show that the EEDs might change the shape of SEDs and then lead to the difierent redshift. In addition, the EBL models are linked with the absorption of TeV photons, so we use a normalization factor to scale the uncertainties of the EBL models.Furthermore, We apply our method to obtain the red shifts of three TeV BL Lac objects in the marginalized 68 per cent confldence, and find that the PLC EED does not flt the SEDs. For 3C66A, the red shift is 0.14–0.31 and 0.16–0.32 in the BPL and PLLP EEDs. For PKS1424+240, the red shift is 0.55–0.68 and 0.55–0.67 in the BPL and PLLP EEDs. For PG1553+113, the red shift is 0.22–0.48 and 0.22–0.39 in the BPL and PLLP EEDs. We alsoestimate the red shift of PKS1424+240 in the high stage to be 0.46–0.67 in the PLLP EED, roughly consistent with that in the low stage.
学科门类理学 ; 理学::天文学
GB/T 7714
秦龙华. TeV BL Lacs天体高能辐射性质及其红移的限定[D]. 北京. 中国科学院大学,2018.
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