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How close dark matter haloes and MOND are to each other: three-dimensional tests based on Gaia DR2(star) 期刊论文
MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 2023, 卷号: 519, 期号: 3, 页码: 4479-4498
作者:  Zhu, Yongda;  Ma, Hai-Xia;  Dong XB(董小波);  Huang, Yang;  Mistele, Tobias;  Peng, Bo;  Long Q(龙潜);  Wang, Tianqi;  Chang L(常亮);  Jin, Xi
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gravitation  Galaxy: halo  Galaxy: kinematics and dynamics  dark matter  
A New Hyper-runaway Star Discovered from LAMOST and Gaia: Ejected Almost in the Galactic Rotation Direction 期刊论文
ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 2018, 卷号: 156, 期号: 3
作者:  Li, Yin-Bi;  Luo, A-Li;  Zhao, Gang;  Lu, You-Jun;  Zhang, Xue-Sen;  Zhang, Fu-Peng;  Du, Bing;  Zuo, Fang;  Zhang, Lan;  Huang, Yang;  Xiang, Mao-Sheng;  Zhao, Jing-Kun;  Zhao, Yong-Heng;  Han ZW(韩占文)
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Galaxy: Center  Galaxy: Halo  Galaxy: Kinematics And Dynamics  Stars: Early-type  
Discovery of Two New Hypervelocity Stars from the LAMOST Spectroscopic Surveys 期刊论文
作者:  Huang, Y.;  Liu, X. -W.;  Zhang, H. -W.;  Chen, B. -Q.;  Xiang, M. -S.;  Wang, C.;  Yuan, H. -B.;  Tian, Z. -J.;  Li, Y. -B.;  Wang B(王博)
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Galaxy: Center  Galaxy: Halo  Galaxy: Kinematics And Dynamics  Stars: Early-type  
19 low mass hypervelocity star candidates from the first data release of the LAMOST survey 期刊论文
RESEARCH IN ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS, 2015, 卷号: 15, 期号: 8, 页码: 1364-1377
作者:  Li, YB;  Luo, AL;  Zhao, G;  Lu, YJ;  Wei, P;  Du, B;  Li, X;  Zhao, YH;  Han ZW(韩占文);  Wang B(王博);  Wu, Y;  Zhang, Y;  Hou, YH;  Wang, YF;  Yang, M
Adobe PDF(299Kb)  |  收藏  |  浏览/下载:479/4  |  提交时间:2016/04/05
Stars: Low-mass  Stars: Kinematics And Dynamics  Galaxy: Abundances  Stars: Fundamental Parameters  Stars: Distances  
Velocity distributions of surviving companion stars of type Ia supernovae in the Milky Way 会议论文
Proceedings of the 298th International Astronomical Union (IAU) Symposium - Setting the scene for Gaia and LAMOST - the current and next generations of surveys and models, Lijiang, China, 2013-05-20
作者:  Jia S(贾石);  Wang B(王博);  Han ZW(韩占文)
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Binaries: Close  Supernovae: General  Galaxy: Kinematics And Dynamics  
LAMOST Experiment for Galactic Understanding and Exploration (LEGUE) - The survey's science plan 期刊论文
RESEARCH IN ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS, 2012, 卷号: 12, 期号: 7, 页码: 735-754
作者:  Deng, LC;  Newberg, HJ;  Liu, C;  Carlin, JL;  Beers, TC;  Chen, L;  Chen, YQ;  Christlieb, N;  Grillmair, CJ;  Guhathakurta, P;  Han ZW(韩占文);  Hou, JL;  Lee, HT;  Lepine, S;  Li, J;  Liu, XW;  Pan, KK;  Sellwood, JA;  Wang B(王博);  Wang, HC;  Yang, F;  Yanny, B;  Zhang, HT;  Zhang, YY;  Zheng, Z;  Zhu, Z;  Deng, LC (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Key Lab Opt Astron, Natl Astron Observ, Beijing 100012, Peoples R China.
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Techniques: Spectroscopic  Galaxy: Structure  Galaxy: Evolution  Galaxy: Kinematics And Dynamics  Galaxy: Disk  Galaxy: Halo  Spectroscopy  
Radially extended kinematics and stellar populations of the massive ellipticals NGC1600, NGC4125, and NGC7619 Constraints on the outer dark halo density profile 期刊论文
作者:  Pu SB(浦仕毕);  Saglia, RP;  Fabricius, MH;  Thomas, J;  Bender, R;  Han ZW(韩占文);  Pu, SB (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Natl Astron Observ, Yunnan Observ, Kunming 650011, Peoples R China.
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Galaxy: Abundances  Galaxies: Elliptical And Lenticular  Galaxies: Kinematics And Dynamics  Cd  Galaxies: Individual: Ngc4125  Galaxies: Individual: Ngc7619  Galaxies: Individual: Ngc1600