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A portable S-DIMM developed for preliminary measurement of seeing for Solar Site Survey: Theory and one case study 期刊论文
NEW ASTRONOMY, 2024, 卷号: 109
作者:  Duan, Xiao-Mei;  Liu Y(刘煜);  Song TF(宋腾飞);  Zhu, Feng-Rong
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Atmospheric turbulence  Daytime seeing  Atmospheric coherence length  Astronomical site survey  
Solar image reconstruction method under atmospheric turbulence at Fuxian Lake Solar Observatory 期刊论文
Astronomical Techniques and Instruments/天文技术与仪器(英文), 2024, 卷号: 1, 期号: 02, 页码: 128-139
作者:  Zou SZ(邹思仲);  Jin ZY(金振宇);  Ji KF(季凯帆);  Xu J(许骏);  Yang L(杨磊)
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Astronomical seeing  Solar telescopes  Solar observatories  Astronomy image processing  Phase error  [100138679]DECONVOLUTION