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Analysis of wavefront reconstruction in 8-meter ring solar telescope 会议论文
Proceedings of SPIE - ADAPTIVE OPTICS SYSTEMS V, Edinburgh, SCOTLAND, 2016-06-26
作者:  Dai YC(戴懿纯);  Jin ZY(金振宇)
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Solar Telescope  Annular Aperture  Adaptive Optics  Wavefront Sensing  Modal Reconstruction  Zonal Reconstruction  
From NVST to CGST 会议论文
Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP) Conference Series - SOLAR POLARIZATION 7, Kunming, PEOPLES R CHINA, 2013-09-09
作者:  Liu Z(刘忠)
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The progresses of Chinese Giant Solar Telescope 会议论文
Proceedings of SPIE - GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE TELESCOPES V, Montreal, CANADA, 2014-06-22
作者:  Liu Z(刘忠);  Jin ZY(金振宇);  Yuan S(袁沭);  Lin J(林隽);  Deng, Yuanyong;  Ji, Haisheng;  Yan, Yihua
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Solar Telescope  Solar Observation  High Resolution  Polarization  Magnetic Field  Active Optics  Site Testing  Seeing  
The Chinese Giant Solar Telescope 会议论文
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) Symposium - Nature of Prominences and their role in Space Weather, Paris, France, 2013-06-10
作者:  Liu Z(刘忠);  Deng, Yuanyong;  Ji, Haisheng
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Telescopes  High Angular Resolution  Magnetic Fields  Prominence  Filaments  
Active Control of the Chinese Giant Solar Telescope 会议论文
Proceedings of SPIE - GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE TELESCOPES V, Montreal, CANADA, 2014-06-22
作者:  Dai YC(戴懿纯);  Yang, Dehua;  Jin ZY(金振宇);  Liu Z(刘忠);  Qin, Wei
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Solar Telescope  Ring Aperture  Segmented Mirror  Monolithic Mirror  Active Control  Wind Load  
Astrometric results of the mutual events between the Saturn's satellites observed at Yunnan Observatory 期刊论文
PLANETARY AND SPACE SCIENCE, 2013, 卷号: 76, 页码: 83-86
作者:  Zhang XL(张西亮);  Liu Z(刘忠);  Tang, ZH
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Mutual Events  Saturnian Satellites  Dynamics  
Using a New Sky Brightness Monitor to Observe the Annular Solar Eclipse on 15 January 2010 期刊论文
SOLAR PHYSICS, 2012, 卷号: 279, 期号: 2, 页码: 561-572
作者:  Liu Y(刘煜);  Shen YD(申远灯);  Zhang XF(张雪飞);  Liu NP(刘念平)
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Atmospheric Extinction  Earth's Atmosphere  Instrumental Effects  
昭通大山包天文气象条件统计分析 期刊论文
天文研究与技术(Astronomical Research & Technology), 2012, 卷号: 9, 期号: 2, 页码: 184-202
作者:  段辑;  刘煜;  申远灯;  宋腾飞;  刘顺庆;  张雪飞;  温骁;  杨磊;  林隽;  刘忠;  王建成
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天文选址  气象  大山包  
现代日晕光度计多波段测光系统初步测试结果分析 期刊论文
天文研究与技术(Astronomical Research & Technology), 2012, 卷号: 9, 期号: 2, 页码: 168-175
作者:  刘顺庆;  段辑;  张雪飞;  温骁;  屈中权;  刘煜
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大气探测  日晕光度测量  多色测光  天文选址  
日晕光度计图像日心自动定位方法 期刊论文
天文研究与技术(Astronomical Research & Technology), 2012, 卷号: 9, 期号: 2, 页码: 176-183
作者:  温骁;  刘煜;  宋腾飞;  张雪飞;  刘念平
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日晕光度测量  日心坐标  天文选址