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Application and prospect of the fluid cooling system of solar arrays for probing the Sun 期刊论文
Astronomical Techniques and Instruments/天文技术与仪器(英文), 2024, 卷号: 1, 期号: 01, 页码: 62-70
作者:  Bao, Kangli;  Zhu, Xiaofei;  Feng, Jianchao;  Liu, Liu;  Zhang, Xiaofeng;  Cai, Zhiming;  Lin J(林隽);  Zhang, Yonghe
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In situ detection of solar eruption  Solar array cooling system  Pumped fluid loop  High heat flux dissipation  
Design and analysis of an advanced thermal management system for the solar close observations and proximity experiments spacecraft 期刊论文
Astronomical Techniques and Instruments/天文技术与仪器(英文), 2024, 卷号: 1, 期号: 01, 页码: 52-61+2
作者:  Liu, Liu;  Bao, Kangli;  Feng, Jianchao;  Zhu, Xiaofei;  Wang, Haoyu;  Zhang, Xiaofeng;  Lin J(林隽)
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Solar Close Observations and Proximity Experiments  Adaptive thermal control method  Thermal field planning method  Pumped liquid cooling system  Advanced thermal management system