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其他题名Study on the origins of hyper- and high-velocity stars based on large-scale Galactic surveys
关键词运动学和动力学 暗物质晕 超高速恒星 中等质量黑洞 矮星系
摘要银河系的恒星存在总速度(V_GSR)大于300 km/s的高速恒星(HiVel)。其中,速度介于300km/s和逃逸速度(V_esc)之间、被银河系引力束缚的高速恒星是探测银河系引力势或其质量分布最可靠的示踪天体。速度超过V_esc的未束缚恒星被称为超高速恒星(Hyper-velocity star; HVS),它们的运动轨迹可为探测银河系质量分布、暗物质晕形状提供有力的限制。这些HiVel/HVS的起源和弹射机制联系着极端的天体物理过程,例如大质量黑洞瓦解双星系统(Hills机制)、潮汐剥离矮星系成员星等。为此,我们基于Gaia天体测量数据与大规模光谱巡天数据(GALAH、APOGEE、RAVE、SDSS、LAMOST)构建HiVel/HVS大样本,并开展系统性的溯源分析以揭示HiVel/HVS的起源(或弹射机制)。首先,我们基于APOGEE DR17构建了包含46,753颗恒星的径向速度(RV)标准星样本,用于检测和校正大规模光谱巡天项目的RV零点(RVZP)。这些恒星几乎均匀地覆盖了全天,其中62%是红巨星,38%是主序星。这些RV标准恒星在超过200天(54%长于一年,10%长于五年)的时间基线上保持稳定,RV的平均稳定性优于215 m/s。它们的平均观测数量为5次,每次观测的信噪比(SNR)大于50,RV测量误差小于500m/s。基于构建的APOGEE RV标准星表,我们检查了包括RAVE、LAMOST、GALAH和Gaia在内的RVZP。通过仔细的分析,它们的平均RVZP分别为+0.149 km/s、+4.574 km/s(对于LRS)、-0.031 km/s和+0.014 km/s。在RAVE、LAMOST(对于MRS)、GALAH和Gaia中,RVZP呈现出随恒星参数(主要是[Fe/H]、Teff、log g 、G_BP-G_RP和G_RVS)的系统趋势。校正这些存在于大规模光谱巡天中的虽小但清晰的RVZP,对于构建高质量HiVel/HVS样本以及开展溯源分析至关重要。其次,我们从RAVE DR5、SDSS DR12、LAMOST DR8、APOGEE DR16、GALAH DR2和Gaia EDR3的交叉数据中证认了12,784颗总速度V_GSR >= 300 km/s的HiVel样本。样本中,52个颗恒星V_GSR超过所在位置的逃逸速度,它们是HVS候选体(其中40个是我们首次发现)。有趣的是,所有的HVS都是贫金属和晚型恒星,与之前仅通过径向速度证认的HVS明显不同,后者主要是大质量、富金属的早型恒星。这一发现表明,我们新发现的HVS与之前证认的富金属早型HVS可能来自不同的弹射机制。再次,我们系统分析HiVel/HVS的起源和弹射机制。为了研究它们,我们重建样本中547颗V_GSR >= 0.8 V_esc的HiVel/HVS回溯轨道。根据轨道分析,我们没有发现从银心弹射出来的HVS,仅发现8颗晚型贫金属HiVel与银心的最近距离在1 kpc以内。有趣的是,我们发现15颗晚型HiVel与银河系的卫星星系Sgr dSph有过近距离相遇,这表明它们可能从Sgr dSph起源。[alpha/Fe]-[Fe/H]分析也支持它们起源于Sgr dSph。其中,最典型的一个HVS是J1443+1453。通过回溯轨道分析,我们发现J1443+1453与Sgr dSph在过去37.8 Myr近距离相遇,相遇位置位于Sgr dSph围绕银河系的近心点附近。J1443+1453的化学性质也表明它可能是Sgr dSph的成员。这些结果强烈表明,J1443+1453最有可能是Sgr dSph在穿过近心点附近时被银河系潮汐力剥离的HVS;如果Sgr dSph寄宿着大质量/中等质量黑洞,那么它也有可能是被Hills机制所弹射。我们把轨道回溯分析和化学丰度分析尽可能扩展到所有高速星,初步的分析结果也支持它们的矮星系或星团起源。而且,我们还发现一颗HiVel(J0731)最有可能是通过Hills机制从球状星团M15中弹射(见下述)。基于上述发现,我们提出了关于HiVel/HVS起源的一种普遍的图像:通过潮汐剥离(或者甚至是通过Hills机制)从银河系子系统弹射出成员恒星,是产生HiVel/HVS的一个重要渠道,特别是晚型贫金属HiVel/HVS。最后,我们详细分析了J0317起源于球状星团M15的情形。J0731与M15的回溯轨道在21 Myr前近距离相遇,最近距离为58 pc,小于M15的潮汐半径(132 pc)。J0731的金属丰度[Fe/H]和[alpha/Fe]均与M15高度一致。此外,它在颜色—绝对星等图上的位置正好落在M15成员星的基准序列上。这些观测证据强烈表明J0731的前身与M15存在关联,通过估算得到的关联置信水平为5.4 sigma。J0731的弹射速度为V_ ej = 548 km/s,我们根据J0731和M15的观测数据排除了其它的弹射机制,最有可能被位于M15中的黑洞通过Hills机制弹射,并且需要质量大于100 Msun(可信度为99.999%) 的中等质量黑洞(IMBH)才能弹射J0731。IMBH的观测发现,将填补恒星级黑洞和超大质量黑洞之间的空白地带,而且将极有利于SMBH起源问题的解决。当前的观测设备很难直接从动力学上分辨出IMBH的存在迹象及其对星系观测量的影响。我们的发现的表明:通过寻找起源于星团的HiVel/HVS去证认IMBH,是一条可行且清晰的途径。我们预计在盖亚和大规模光谱巡天时代通过该途径将会发现更多的IMBH。
其他摘要High velocity stars (HiVels) exist in the Milky Way with a total velocity (V_GSR) greater than 300 km/s. Among them, those bound by the Galactic gravitational potential with V_GSR between 300 km/s and escape velocity (V_esc) are the most reliable tracers to measure the mass distribution of the Milky Way (MW), i.e., the Galactic gravitational potential.The unbound stars with V_GSR greater than V_esc are called hyper-velocity stars (HVSs), of which the trajectories provide strong constraints on the MW's mass distribution and the shape of Galactic dark matter (DM) halo. The origins and ejection mechanisms of the extreme velocity stars are related to extreme astrophysical processes, such as black holes disrupting binary-star systems (Hills mechanism), tidal stripping the member stars of dwarf galaxies, etc. To this end, we systematically search for HiVels/HVSs, and construct large samples based on Gaia astrometric data and large-scale spectral survey data (GALAH, APOGEE, RAVE, SDSS, LAMOST); furthermore, we trace back the orbits of those stars in the Galactic potential to reveal their origins and rejection mechanisms.First, We constructed a radial velocity (RV) standard star sample containing 46,753 stars based on APOGEE DR17, which is used to detect and correct the RV zero point (RVZP) of large-scale spectroscopic survey projects. These stars cover the sky almost evenly, with 62% being red giants and 38% being main-sequence stars. These RV standard stars are stable on a baseline longer than 200 days (54% longer than one year and 10% longer than five years) with a average stability better than 215 m/s. The average observation number of those stars are 5 and each observation is required to have spectral signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) greater than 50 and RV measurement error smaller than 500 m/s. Based on the new APOGEE RV standard star catalog, we have checked the RVZPs for current large-scale spectroscopic surveys including RAVE, LAMOST, GALAH and Gaia. By carefully analysis, we estimate their mean RVZP to be +0.149 km/s, +4.574 km/s (for LRS), -0.031 km/s and +0.014 km/s, respectively, for the four surveys. In the RAVE, LAMOST (for MRS), GALAH and Gaia surveys, RVZP exhibits systematic trend with stellar parameters (mainly [Fe/H], T_eff, log g, G_BP-G_RP and G_RVS). Correcting these small but clear RVZPs present in large-scale spectroscopic surveys are crucial for constructing high-quality HiVel/HVS samples and back-tracking analyses.Secondly, we identified 12,784 HiVels with a total velocity V_GSR >= 300 km/s by matching the spectroscopic data sets of RAVE DR5, SDSS DR12, LAMOST DR8, APOGEE DR16, and GALAH DR2 with Gaia EDR3. Of them 52 stars (40 discovered for the first time) have V_GSR exceeding the escape velocity at their location, i.e., HVS candidates. Interestingly, all these HVSs are metal-poor and late-type stars, which is significantly different from the previous HVSs identified only through extreme radial velocities that are mainly massive, metal-rich early-type stars. This finding suggests that our newly discovered HVSs may have a different ejection mechanism from the previous metal-rich early-type ones.Third, we thus systematically analyze the origins and ejection mechanisms of the HiVels/HVSs. We reconstruct the backward-integrated orbits of the 547 extreme velocity stars (HiVels or even HVSs) with V_GSR >= 0.8 V_esc in our sample. According to the orbit analysis, we found that no HVSs are ejected definitely from the Galactic center, and that there are eight late-type metal-poor HiVels having a closest distance to the Galactic center within 1 kpc. More interestingly, we found that 15 HiVels had close encounters with the satellite galaxy Sgr dSph, suggesting that they may have originated from Sgr dSph. The analysis in terms of [alpha/Fe]--[Fe/H] diagram also supports their origin from Sgr dSph. Among them the most typical is the HVS J1443+1453. By reconstructing its trajectory in the Galactic potential, we find that the orbit of J1443+1453 intersects closely with that of Sgr dSph 37.8 Myr ago, when the latter has its latest pericentric passage through the Milky Way. J1443+1453 is most likely to be tidally stripped from Sgr dSph. If there is a massive/intermediate-mass black hole harbored in Sgr dSph,then it is also possible that J1443+1453 is ejected via Hills mechanism. We then extended the back-tracking and [alpha/Fe]--[Fe/H] analyses to all the 547 extreme velocity stars, and the preliminary results support that many of them may originate from dwarf galaxies or star clusters; in particular, we discovered a HiVel (J0731) was ejected from the globular cluster M15 via Hills mechanism (see below). Based on the above observational results, we proposed a general picture that star ejection from Galactic subsystems such as dwarf galaxies and globular clusters is an important channel to produce HiVels or even HVSs, particularly the metal-poor late-type halo population.Finally, we presented the detailed analysis of the origin and ejection mechanism of J0317 from the globular cluster M15. J0731 and M15 had a close encounter on their backward-integrated orbits approximately 21 Myr ago, with the closest distance being 58 pc, which is less than M15's tidal radius 132 pc. The metal abundance [Fe/H] and [alpha/Fe] of J0731 both are highly consistent with those of M15. Furthermore, its position on the color-absolute magnitude diagram aligns precisely with the fiducial sequence of M15's member stars. These observational pieces of evidence strongly suggest an association between J0731 and M15 (with a confidence level of 5.4 sigma). The ejection velocity of J0731 is 548 km/s, and we conclude that, after excluding other common ejection mechanisms based on the observational data of J0731 and M15, it is most likely ejected by a massive black hole harbored in M15 through the Hills mechanism. To eject J0731, a intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) with a mass of at least 100 Msun (with a confidence level of 99.999%) is required. The observational identification of IMBHs will fill the gap between stellar-mass black holes and supermassive black holes, and reveal the origin of supermassive black holes. The capacity of current observational facilities is not able to dynamically resolve the presence of IMBHs and their effect to galactic observations. Our findings suggest that it is a feasible and clear approach to identify IMBHs by finding HiVels/HVSs originating from star clusters via Hills mechanism. We predict that in the Gaia and large-scale spectroscopic survey era, more IMBHs will be find in this way.
学科门类理学 ; 理学::天文学
GB/T 7714
李清政. 基于大规模银河系巡天的(超)高速恒星起源研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院大学,2024.
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