YNAO OpenIR  > 应用天文研究组
其他题名Research on Key Technologies of Precise Orbit Determination for Low Earth Orbit Satellites and Formation Based on GNSS
关键词北斗三号全球卫星导航系统 低轨编队卫星 精密定轨 姿态估计 模糊度固定
摘要低轨卫星在遥感、导航、通信等一系列科学研究和工程应用中发挥着不可或缺的作用。精密的位置信息是完成上述任务的前提和基础。自GPS成功应用于TOPEX卫星精密定轨后,利用星载GNSS接收机进行低轨卫星精密定轨得到了深入研究和广泛应用,基于简化动力学、运动学技术的绝对定轨精度已达到厘米级。与单个大型航天器相比,编队卫星能够提高任务实施的灵活性、降低风险和成本、缩短任务周期。合成孔径雷达(SAR)干涉测量、地球重力场反演等对编队卫星的相对位置信息提出了极高的要求,基于GPS的编队卫星相对定轨精度也已达到毫米级。 随着北斗三号全球卫星导航系统(BDS-3)和Galileo系统的相继建成,基于BDS-3、Galileo星载数据的低轨卫星精密定轨也随之成为研究热点。本文在充分调研和吸收国内外研究成果的基础上,在低轨卫星绝对和相对定轨方面做了一些探索和研究,包括低轨卫星双天线姿态建模、三星编队相对定轨和三维基线精度检核,基于星载BDS-3的编队卫星精密定轨等,以期进一步提升低轨卫星绝对和相对定轨精度。本文的主要研究成果和结论总结如下:1.提出了基于星载GNSS双天线的卫星姿态估计和建模方法,显著提升了姿态信息缺失情况下定轨精度。卫星姿态是联系星固坐标系和惯性坐标系的必要信息,同时影响大气阻力和太阳光压等非保守力的高精度计算。在缺少卫星姿态信息的情况下,提出了基于星载GNSS双天线的卫星姿态建模方法,分别利用Sentinel-6A星载GNSS和GNSS-RO定轨天线接收的数据进行精密定轨,结合天线间基线信息估计卫星在轨姿态并建模,研究结果表明,Sentinel-6A姿态建模精度优于0.25度,双天线定轨结果一致性由使用名义姿态时的分米级提升至毫米级,SLR检核残差由30mm减小至10mm,验证了星载双天线测姿的有效性,为星敏姿态数据不可用时低轨卫星在轨姿态的确定提供了可行手段。2.研究了星载GPS/Galileo载波相位模糊度固定方法以及基于GPS/Galileo双系统的低轨卫星精密定轨方法,进一步提升了低轨卫星定轨精度。在低轨卫星简化动力学和运动学定轨过程中,由于导航卫星和接收机硬件偏差的影响,导致GNSS载波相位模糊度失去整数特性。利用GNSS相位偏差产品实现单接收机载波相位模糊度固定,最终实现整数模糊度约束下的精密轨道确定。利用Sentinel-6A卫星星载GPS和Galileo实测数据开展多种模式的单接收机整数模糊度约束下的简化动力学定轨,包括GPS单系统、Galileo单系统以及GPS/Galileo双系统组合定轨。结果表明:模糊度固定率优于96%,GPS、Galileo单系统与双系统组合定轨结果一致性优于5mm,SLR轨道检核残差优于10mm,提高了低轨卫星绝对定轨精度,为海洋测高等低轨卫星对地观测任务中的高精度数据处理奠定了基础。3.研究基于单星模糊度固定和双差模糊度固定的低轨卫星相对定轨方法,创新性的提出了基于闭合差检核的三星编队星间基线精度评估方法。利用定轨载波相位残差,开展星载GNSS天线PCV在轨标定,提升绝对和相对定轨精度。经天线PCV在轨标定后,GRACE-FO卫星固定解轨道径向精度优于6mm,单差和双差固定解相对定轨精度分别优于1.8和0.9mm,实现了亚毫米级的编队卫星相对定轨。提出了基于闭合差检核的三星编队基线精度评估方法,研究表明:Swarm-A/C编队双差固定解相对定轨精度优于1.9mm,Swarm-A/B和Swarm-B/C编队相对定轨精度优于3.5mm。基于该研究内容,实现了毫米级编队卫星相对定轨,突破了编队卫星星间距离的限制,对双星干涉测量等编队任务在轨实施和拓展具有现实意义。4.研究了基于BDS-3新信号的低轨卫星精密定轨,实现了国产编队卫星相对定轨性能在轨验证。利用国网融合试验卫星双星数据分别开展了基于BDS-3单系统、GPS单系统以及BDS/GPS双系统组合精密定轨。为提升定轨精度,在轨估计了星载GNSS天线PCO。从数据质量、观测值残差、定轨精度等方面较为细致的分析了BDS-3新信号的服务性能,实现了基于BDS-3的国产编队卫星相对定轨。结果表明,BDS-3新信号测距精度提升显著,B1C精度优于GPS L1 C/A码,B2a与GPS L5测距码精度相当;与双系统组合定轨结果相比,BDS-3单系统绝对定轨一致性优于15mm(1D),相对定轨径向一致性优于8mm,法向和切向一致性为4–5mm,与GPS定轨精度相当。该研究内容验证了BDS-3在低轨空间优异的服务性能,能够全面支撑国产低轨卫星在轨独立、自主运行。5.研究了BDS-3/低轨卫星联合精密定轨的方法,提升了区域、少量监测站条件下的导航卫星定轨精度。将低轨卫星作为天基监测站,考虑低轨卫星动力学模型,构建联合定轨观测方程,与地面监测站共同确定导航卫星轨道。分别利用区域站和全球站开展联合定轨。区域站场景下,加入低轨卫星数据,定轨弧长1天时,BDS-3卫星定轨精度提升55%;全球站场景下,加入低轨卫星后导航卫星定轨精度提升3%-13%。不同场景下,低轨卫星定轨精度优于45mm,同时估计BDS-3和GPS卫星轨道时,可进一步提升低轨卫星定轨精度。GNSS/低轨卫星联合定轨为区域站场景下导航卫星精密轨道确定提供了可行途径,提升了特殊情况下导航系统的服务性能。
其他摘要Low earth orbit (LEO) satellites play an indispensable role in a series of scientific research and engineering applications such as remote sensing, navigation and communication. Precise position information is the premise and foundation to complete the above tasks. Since global positioning system (GPS) was successfully applied to the precise orbit determination (POD) of TOPEX satellite, the POD of LEO satellite using spaceborne GNSS receiver has been deeply studied and widely used. The orbit determination accuracy based on reduced dynamic and kinematic technology has reached the centimeter level. Compared with a single large spacecraft, formation satellites can improve the flexibility of mission implementation, reduce risk and cost, and shorten the mission cycle. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry and earth gravity field recovery put forward high requirements for the relative position information of formation satellites. The relative orbit determination accuracy of formation satellites based on GPS has reached millimeter level.With the completion of BeiDou global satellite navigation system (BDS-3) and Galileo system, the POD of LEO satellites based on BDS-3 and Galileo systems data has become a hotspot. Based on the foundation of achievements, this paper has explored the theory and method of absolute and relative orbit determination of LEO satellites, including LEO satellite attitude modeling, in-flight calibration of receiver antenna phase center variation (PCV), and precise orbit determination based on BDS-3, to further improve the POD accuracy. The main researches are summarized as follows:1. A satellite attitude determination method based on dual GNSS antennas is proposed to improve the orbit determination accuracy in the case of missing or unavailable attitude information. Satellite attitude is necessary to connect the satellite body fixed frame and inertial system. High-precision modeling of non-conservative forces such as atmospheric drag and solar radiation pressure also require the precise satellite attitude. In the absence of attitude information, a satellite attitude estimation method based on dual GNSS antennas is proposed. The data collected by Sentinel-6a spaceborne GNSS and GNSS-RO POD antennas is used for precise orbit determination. The satellite attitude is estimated based on the POD results and the baseline information between antennas. Results show that the attitude modeling accuracy is better than 0.25 degrees, the dual-antenna based orbit consistency is improved from the decimeter level when using the nominal attitude to the millimeter level, and the SLR residuals reduced from 30mm to 10mm, which validate the attitude determination method based on dual GNSS antennas and provides a feasible way to derive the satellite attitude when the measured data is not available.2. Single receiver ambiguity resolution of GPS/Galileo is studied to improve the orbit determination accuracy of LEO satellites. In the process of POD, due to the hardware biases of GNSS satellite and receiver, the carrier phase ambiguity is a float number. The GNSS observation specific bias (OSB) product is used to fix the carrier phase ambiguity, and finally POD based on integer ambiguity is realized. Multiple orbit determination modes including GPS-only, Galileo-only and GPS/Galileo combined POD are carried out using the on-board GPS and Galileo data of Sentinel-6a. Results show that the ambiguity fixing rate is better than 96%, the consistency of GPS-only and Galileo-only orbits with GPS/Galileo combined orbit are better than 5mm, and the root mean squares (RMS) of SLR residuals is less than 10mm. Fixing the ambiguity to integer improves the POD accuracy of LEO satellites and makes a foundation for precise data processing in the LEO-based earth observation missions.3. Relative orbit determination of LEO formation satellites based on single receiver ambiguity resolution and double difference ambiguity resolution are studied. A baseline accuracy evaluation method of triple-satellite formation based on closure error is proposed. In-flight PCV calibration of spaceborne GNSS antenna is carried out with the residual approach to improve the absolute and relative orbit determination accuracy. Results show that the radial orbit accuracy of GRACE-FO satellite with fixed ambiguity is better than 6mm, and the relative orbit accuracy with single receiver ambiguity resolution and double difference ambiguity resolution is better than 1.8 and 0.9mm respectively, which achieves the sub-millimeter level for formation satellites. The baseline accuracy evaluation method for triple-satellite formation based on closure error is proposed. Results show that the relative orbit determination accuracy of swarm-A/C formation is better than 1.9mm, and the accuracy of swarm-A/B and swarm-B/C formation is better than 3.5mm. The main reason for the lower accuracy is that the swarm-B satellite flies in a different orbital plane and is far away from the swarm-A and C satellites. Precise relative orbit determination of millimeter level is achieved, which breaks through the limitation of the distance between formation satellites. It is significant for the on orbit mission implementation and task expansion of formation satellites such as SAR.4. Absolute and relative POD of LEO formation satellites based on the BDS-3 B1C and B2a signals is studied. The BDS-only, GPS-only and BDS/GPS combined POD is carried out using the on-board data of the RSW satellites. The antenna PCOs related to the BDS-3 and GPS systems are estimated to improve the POD accuracy. The performance of BDS-3 B1C and B2a signals is analyzed with the tracking satellites, code multipath, residuals and POD accuracy. Results show that the ranging accuracy of BDS-3 new signal is significantly improved, the accuracy of B1C is better than that of GPS L1 C/A, and the accuracy of B2a is comparable with GPS L5. Compared with the orbits derived with BDS/GPS combined solutions, the absolute orbit determination consistency of BDS-only solution is better than 15mm (1D). The radial consistency of BDS-only relative orbit determination is better than 8mm, and the cross-track and along-track orbit consistency is 4–5mm, which is comparable to the results of GPS-only result. The excellent service performance of BDS-3 is validated and the capability of BDS-3 to fully support the independent and autonomous operation of LEO satellites is verified.5. The joint POD method of BDS-3 and LEO satellites is studied to improve the orbit determination accuracy of GNSS satellite with regional stations. Taking LEO satellite as a monitoring station, the joint orbit determination observation equation is constructed. The BDS-3 satellite orbit is determined with combined data collected by LEO satellite and ground stations. Two cases of stations are used in the POD: 6 stations around China (regional stations) and 30 stations around the world (global stations) are used with RSW satellite for joint orbit determination. In the case of regional stations, the BDS-3 orbit determination accuracy is improved by 55% with combining the data of RSW satellite; In the case of global stations, an improvement of 3%–13% for BDS-3 POD accuracy is observed. In both cases, the POD accuracy of RSW satellite is better than 45mm. When BDS-3 and GPS satellite orbits are determined together, the orbit accuracy of LEO satellite can be further improved. The combined orbit determination of GNSS and LEO satellites with regional ground stations provides an effective way to determine the precise orbits of GNSS satellites and improves the performance of satellite navigation system under special circumstances.
学科领域天文学 ; 天体力学 ; 天体测量学
学科门类理学 ; 理学::天文学
GB/T 7714
金彪. 低轨卫星及其编队GNSS精密定轨关键技术研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院大学,2022.
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