摘要 | 近地小行星是太阳系内轨道近日点距离小于1.3AU且远日点距离大于0.983AU的一类天体,以轨道形状为依据又可以将其细分为Apollos、Atens和Amors三类。近地小行星物理参数的研究一方面可以为小行星撞击事件的预测、风险评估以及后续应对策略的制定提供科学依据。另一方面,近地小行星还是深空探测项目的理想目标,其物理参数的研究对深空探测目标的选取以及发射计划的制定意义重大。尽管一系列空间项目的成功极大地增进了我们对近地小行星的认识,但从成本和探测效率的角度来看,地面观测设备仍将长期扮演近地小行星物理性质研究的主角。在众多地面观测方法(如掩星法、测光、分光和雷达回波等)中,测光观测是小行星物理信息的主要来源,而本论文的主要内容即为用地面望远镜测光的方法研究近地小行星的形状和自转参数。观测方面,我们采用了国际合作联合观测的方式,所涉及的望远镜包括云南天文台的45公分、1米和2.4米望远镜以及SARA(Southeastern Associationfor Research in Astronomy)的0.6米、0.91米和0.94米望远镜。至于反演模型,我们根据数据的情况使用合作者Muinonen等人(2015)开发的Lommel-Seeliger三轴椭球体模型或是Kaasalainen等人(2001)开发的凸面体模型。为了对反演模型的实际效果有更直观的认识,我们在两颗数据量比较丰富的主带小行星((585) Bilkis和(103) Hera)上进行了测试。2012年至2014年期间,我们对(585) Bilkis进行了测光观测,共获得了7个晚上的测光数据。以此为基础,我们使用Lommel-Seeliger三轴椭球体模型反演了小行星(585) Bilkis的形状并测定了相应的自转参数, 所得自转周期为8.5738小时, 自转轴指向是 (136.5, 29.0) ,三轴椭球体轴比b/a=0.74, c/a=0.70。 自转周期与之前的研究结果一致, 自转轴指向和形状(用椭球体轴比刻画)是我们首次测定。2015年至2017年期间,我们又对一颗自转周期较长的小行星(103) Hera进行了测光观测,共获得了11个晚上的数据。随后我们更新了这颗小行星的凸面体模型参数, 得到的两组解 (包括镜像解) 其自转周期分别为23.74264小时和23.74267小时,与之对应的自转轴指向则分别是(83.0, 39.0)和(269.7, 56.8) 。作为对比,我们也用Lommel-Seeliger三轴椭球体模型对(103) Hera进行了计算,其反演结果与凸面体模型所得相互支持。此外,我们还拟合了这颗小行星的相位函数,得到该目标的绝对星等H=8.92,相位函数参数G1=0.13,G2=0.45。接下来, 我们便对多颗近地小行星目标 ((3122) Florence,(3200) Phaethon、 (143404 )2003 BD44、 (333888) 1998 ST4以及(1627 )Ivar)开展了形状和自转参数的研究。我们在2016年2月对近地小行星(3122) Florence进行了一个晚上的观测。之后,我们将小行星(585) Bilkis的工作在这颗目标上进行了推广,所得自转周期P= 2.358小时,自转轴指向为(181.1, -50.0), 三轴椭球体轴比b/a=0.91, c/a=0.88。这一形状和自转参数的初解为后来的雷达观测以及凸面体反演结果所支持。继(3122)Florence之后, 我们又于2016年10月18日和19日对近地小行星 (3200) Phaethon进行了两个晚上的观测, 因目标运动速度太快且视场中星太密, 测光效果不理想。 我们在Hanu s等人(2016)工作的基础上加入新的观测数据对(3200) Phaethon 重新进行了凸面体模型反演,其结果更支持之前Ansdell等人(2014)的工作。对近地小行星(143404 )2003 BD44的观测是出于初探其自转状态的目的。我们于2017年3月22日和23日对该目标进行了测光观测, 彼时这颗小行星的自转周期尚处于空白状态。 根据测光结果 (143404 ) 2003 BD44是一颗有长自转周期的小行星。 因数据不完整且(143404 )2003 BD44疑似是一颗“tumbling asteroid” (有转动和进动), 我们未能对其进行形状反演和自转参数的测定。小行星(333888) 1998 ST4的情况与(143404 )2003 BD44类似,也是处于观测资料十分匮乏的状态。我们于2017年10月29日对其进行了观测。从测光结果来看,该目标的自转周期短(约5.3小时)且形状比较规则(光变曲线轮廓与正弦曲线接近) 。于是我们使用Lommel-Seeliger三轴椭球体模型计算得到了这颗近地小行星形状和自转参数的初解:自转周期P = 5.316小时,自转轴指向为(270.0, -78.0), 三轴椭球体轴比b/a=0.52, c/a=0.40。对近地小行星(1627 )Ivar的观测是国际合作的产物。我们于2018年5月22日对该目标进行了一个晚上的观测。在加入了新的观测数据后我们对(1627 )Ivar进行了凸面体模型的反演,所得结果与之前的相关研究一致。此外,我们还使用美国海军天文台和Catalina的巡天的数据对这颗近地小行星的相位函数进行了拟合,得到相位函数参数G1 = 0.49,G2 = 0.30。 |
其他摘要 | Near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) are a class of small bodies in the solar system with orbits of a perihelion distance less than 1.3 AU and an aphelion distance more than 0.983 AU. They are subdivided into Apollos, Atens and Amors according to their orbits. The study of physical parameters of near-Earth asteroids can provide basic information for predicting risk of impact events and making reply strategies for the NEAs’ catastrophic collisions. Also, near-Earth asteroids are the optimal targets for space exploration projects. Therefore, the study of NEAs’physical parameters is of great significance. Although the success of a series of space projects has greatly enhanced our understanding of near-Earth asteroids, ground-based equipments will continue to play the protagonist of near-Earth asteroid research. Among many ground-based observational ways (such as occultation, photometry, spectrometry, radar echo, etc.), photometry is the main source to obtain asteroid’s physical characteristics. The main content of this thesis is to study the shapes and rotation parameters of near-Earth asteroids using photometric data, which are obtained by a joint international observation project with 45 cm, 1.0 m and 2.4 m telescopes of the Yunnan Observatories and the 0.6 m, 0.91 m and 0.94 m telescopes of the SARA (Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy). As for the inversion method, we used the LommelSeeliger ellipsoid method (Muinonen et al. (2015)) or the convex method (Kaasalainen et al. (2001)). In order to have a more intuitive understanding for the inversion model, we tested on two main-belt asteroids ((585) Bilkis and (103) Hera) with a large amount of data. From 2012 to 2014, we performed 7 nights photometric observations on (585) Bilkis. Based on this data, we used the Lommel-Seeliger ellipsoid model to invert the shape of the asteroid (585) Bilkis and its spin parameters. From 2015 to 2017, we performed 11 nights photometric observations on (103) Hera. Then we updated the convex modeling results of this asteroid, and the two sets of solutions (including the mirror solution) have a rotation period of 23.74264 hours and 23.74267 hours, respectively, and the corresponding orientation of spin are (83.0, 39.0) and (269.7, 56.8). For comparison, we also did lightcurve inversion with the Lommel-Seeliger ellipsoid modeling for (103) Hera, the spin parameters is consistent with that derived by convex modeling considering the uncertainties. In addition, we fit the phase function of (103) Hera, the absolute magnitude of this target is H=8.92, the phase function parameters are G1=0.13, G2=0.45. Next, we studied the shapes and rotation parameters of several near-Earth asteroid targets ((3122) Florence, (3200) Phaethon, (143404) 2003 BD44, (333888) 1998 ST4, and (1627) Ivar). We conducted one night of observation on the near-Earth asteroid (3122) Florence in February 2016. The lightcurves of (3122) Florence are analysed with the Lommel-Seeliger method and we derived a spin period of 2.358 hours, a pole of (181.1, -50.0) and the triaxial ellipsoid axis ratio b=a=0.91, c=a=0.88. Following (3122) Florence, we did two nights of observation on the near-Earth asteroid (3200) Phaethon on October 18 and 19, 2016. We added new data to the work of Hanu s et al. (2016) and re-performed the convex modeling for (3200) Phaethon. Our results is more supportive of Ansdell et al. (2014). The near-Earth asteroid (143404) 2003 BD44 was observed on March 22 and 23, 2017. The photometric data of (143404) 2003 BD44 show that it is an asteroid of a long rotation period. The near-Earth asteroid (333888) 1998 ST4 was observed on October 29, 2017. From the photometric data, this target has a short rotation period (about 5.3 hours) and a regular shape. So we used the Lommel-Seeliger ellipsoid model to inverse its shape and spin parameters. Observations of the near-earth asteroid (1627) Ivar are the result of international cooperation. We conducted one night of observation on this target on May 22, 2018. After adding new data, we performed convex modeling on (1627) Ivar and the results is consistent with previous related studies. In addition, we used the data from US Naval Observatory and Catalina’s survey to fit the phase function of this near-Earth asteroid and the obtained phase function parameters are G1 = 0.49, G2 = 0.30. |